'Great campaign ad': Internet trolls Michael Whatley as he accidentally says America is better off now than under Donald Trump

'Great campaign ad': Internet trolls Michael Whatley as he accidentally says America is better off now than under Donald Trump
Michael Whatley unintentionally stated that America is in a better place now than it was under former president Donald Trump (@WhatleyNCGOP and Getty Images)

WASHINTON, DC: During an appearance on Fox News on Friday, March 15, 2024, newly elected Republican National Committee (RNC) Chair Michael Whatley unintentionally stated that America is in a better place now than it was under former president Donald Trump.

Notably, Whatley tried to claim in the interview that the nation would be better off if President Joe Biden weren't reelected and that the country is in worse shape under his leadership than it was under Trump's four years ago, but he misspoke.

Michael Whatley accidentally says America is better off now than under Trump

During the interview, Whatley said, "At the end of the day, this comes down to a very simple contrast between President Trump and President Biden. Were you better off four years ago than you are today? The answer for this entire country is no. I mean, yes."


Moreover, he stumbled, "We are better off today, or, we will be better off under President Trump than we will under President Biden." Notably, Whatley assumed charge of the group last week. He has since forced a significant reset on the group, The Hill reported.

Michael Whatley justified the layoffs by stating that the party was 'realigning the committee to ensure that we are focused on winning the primary' (@ChairmanWhatley/X)

Furthermore, senior employees were among the more than 60 persons let go in recent days. The layoffs indicate that the party is undergoing upheaval as it prepares to challenge President Biden in the fall, and Trump secured the party's candidacy for the general election.

Whatley justified the layoffs by stating that the party was "realigning the committee to ensure that we are focused on winning the primary."

He said, "We now have a presumptive nominee and it is absolutely essential for us to make sure that our programs and our campaign efforts are aligned with the president’s."

The RNC's ability to pay Trump's mounting legal expenses, the former president has been forced to pay more than $500 million in fines, remains a key topic going ahead. He is charged with 91 felonies in all across four indictments.

Internet mocks Michael Whatley for his stumbled statement

People on the internet took a jibe at Michael Whatley for saying America is in a better place now than it was under former president Trump.

A social media user posted on X, "Another great campaign ad for Biden lol," while one added, "Well at least they told the truth. Think how bad it is when the only time someone tells the truth it's an accidental mistake."



One user also wrote, "First time he has told the truth!" while one stated, "The 21st-century version of the New Deal under Biden is working wonders."



Another person wrote, "They lie so much they don't know what they're saying minute to minute..?"


This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.

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