Seth Meyers has a field day over Rudy Giuliani's 'funniest possible' defamation trial verdict

MANHATTAN, NEW YORK: On December 15, a jury ruled that Rudy Giuliani must compensate two former Georgia election workers, Ruby Freeman and Wandrea Moss, with a hefty sum of $148 million for making defamatory statements against them after the 2020 presidential election.
To no one's surprise, Seth Meyers had a field day over the news during the Monday, December 18 episode.
Seth Meyers narrates Rudy Giuliani's embarrassing defamation trial
Subsequently, Meyers stated, "But don't worry, they didn't make him pay that amount. They made him pay more."
"Instead of $48 million, they ordered him to pay $148 million. They basically took the maximum and put a one in front of it, which, if you ask me, is the funniest possible choice. They took one look at Rudy and said, ‘There’s no way he can afford to pay $48 million. So [expletive] it, let’s add another hundo," added the 'Late Night' host.
Meyers then pointed out that Giuliani had a tough time in court, and the outcome was pretty unfavorable for him.
He noted that the signs were there all along, like when the plaintiff's lawyer didn't hold back in criticizing him, going as far as "comparing Giuliani to flat-earthers who will never stop believing election lies," before clarifying that it was Giuliani's own attorney who said the things in court.
Meyers quipped, "Either he couldn't bring himself to lie on Rudy's behalf, or he genuinely forgot which side he was on."
Seth Meyers pokes fun at Rudy Giuliani's supposed inability to pay compensation of $148 million
Meyers moved on to the astronomical amount that Giuliani is supposed to pay and said, "He defaulted on a phone bill. He bounced a check for his neck removal surgery. He owes $1 million in unpaid parking tickets for parking his car inside the living room of his apartment."
The host continued, "He missed a credit card payment for a locksmith he hired to get into his house, which he had locked himself out of, and then a second locksmith he hired to get him out of his house he had locked himself into."
"He also owes Blockbuster multiple copies of the film ‘Rudy’ after returning the ones he rented with himself edited into the footage," joked Meyers.

Nevertheless, Giuliani is not taking this lying down. Defiant and determined, he declared on Friday, December 15, that he is going to appeal, dismissing the damages awarded to Freeman and Moss as "absurd."
As per AP News, outside the federal courthouse in Washington, he reiterated his belief that the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump.
In a video posted on X (formerly Twitter), Giuliani remained steadfast, claiming innocence and hinting that he's willing to go to extremes, even risking his finances or facing imprisonment, to continue pushing his narrative.