'Things getting out of hand': Internet worries as Hezbollah terrorist admits to bomb plot in NY after arrest at US border

'Things getting out of hand': Internet worries as Hezbollah terrorist admits to bomb plot in NY after arrest at US border
Basel Bassel Ebbai is apprehended after admitting to plot a bomb in NY (US Border Patrol)

NEW YORK, UNITED STATES: A Lebanese migrant apprehended while attempting to cross the border confessed to being associated with Hezbollah and expressed intentions to craft a bomb, disclosing New York as his intended destination.

Basel Bassel Ebbadi, 22, was intercepted by border patrol agents on March 9 near El Paso, Texas as per Daily Mail.

Notably, Ebbadi disclosed that he underwent seven years of training with Hezbollah before assuming a position guarding weapons locations for an additional four years.

What did Basel Bassel Ebbadi say during interview?

During the interview, Basel Bassel Ebbadi was questioned about his intentions in the US while in custody, to which he replied, "I'm going to try to make a bomb," stating he was en route to New York.

Ebbadi elaborated that his training with Hezbollah focused on 'jihad' and targeting non-Muslim individuals.

However, he claimed he had tried to flee Lebanon and Hamas to avoid causing harm and expressed feeling trapped once involved.

According to ICE documents, Ebbadi asserted, "Once you're in, you can never get out."

(US Border Patrol)
According to ICE documents, Ebbadi asserted, "Once you're in, you can never get out."(US Border Patrol)

ICE papers indicated that Ebbadi lacked documentation upon entering the US, alleging they were stolen from him with a knife while in Costa Rica.

Furthermore, he admitted to using a false birth date and name in Sweden, Ecuador (where he claimed his father resides), and Panama earlier this year.

Initially planning to go to New York and then travel elsewhere in the country, Ebbadi was promptly isolated and referred for an interview with the Tactical Terrorism Response Team (TTRT) due to alleged "terroristic threats to personnel."

Internal records indicate that he was slated for deportation from the US, although the destination country remained unspecified as per New York Post.

Following the terrorist entry, Texas DPS Lt Chris Olivarez claimed, "This underscores the need for border security measures as potential threats to both public safety and national security are evident and exploit security vulnerabilities.” 

He added, "The federal government has failed to enact border security measures, and the state of Texas, through Governor Abbott’s Operation Lone Star, will continue to take unprecedented action to help secure the border."

Internet calls for 'scary days' as illegal migrant attempts to plot bomb in NY

Upon the illegal migrant's entry, numerous internet users began expressing concern as the terrorist entered with intentions to plot a bomb.


One user wrote, "Things getting out of hand", Another user penned, "This is deeply concerning. Security measures are crucial to safeguard against such threats"




The third user said, "The American dream is getting a little off track" The fourth questioned, "And they still allowed him in? What are they trying to achieve?"



The last user claimed, "Scary days ahead. We need more people like this who open up on there plans so they can be $BLOCK Ed on time before they commit any harm." 


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