Tommy Tuberville dubbed 'disgraceful' after Senator lifts blockade on hundreds of military promotions

Tommy Tuberville dubbed 'disgraceful' after Senator lifts blockade on hundreds of military promotions
Senator Tommy Tuberville of Alabama introduced the blockade in March (Getty Images)

WASHINGTON, DC: In a notable development on Tuesday, December 5, Senator Tommy Tuberville of Alabama decided to lift his blockade on nearly 425 military promotions, ending a 10-month standoff that drew bipartisan criticism.

The former football coach and Alabama Republican had employed this tactic to protest the Pentagon's payment of abortion-related travel costs, as per Reuters.

Bipartisan backlash faced by Tommy Tuberville

Tuberville's leverage, which halted all senior military promotions for almost a year, faced pressure from both Democrats and members of his own party.

Following the release of the hold, President Joe Biden expressed relief but also criticized the senator for undermining military readiness and morale.

"After 10 months of undermining military readiness and the morale of our troops, Senator Tuberville of Alabama has finally lifted his politically motivated hold on hundreds of military nominations," noted the POTUS. 

He added, "425 highly qualified, patriotic military leaders have now been confirmed by the Senate to perform their duties as they fulfill their sacred oath to keep our country safe. These confirmations are long overdue, and should never have been held up in the first place." 

"Our service members are the backbone of our country and deserve to receive the pay and promotions they have earned," expressed Biden. 

He further said, "In the end, this was all pointless. Senator Tuberville and the Republicans who stood with him needlessly hurt hundreds of servicemembers and military families and threatened our national security – all to push a partisan agenda. I hope no one forgets what he did. Those who serve this nation deserve better."


Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer commended the resolution, thanking senators from both parties who contributed to breaking the logjam, stating, "Thank God, these military officers will now get the promotion they so rightfully earned."

Tuberville, in response to questions, mentioned holding up approximately 11 four-star generals but noted that he had released everyone else.

"I've still got a hold on, I think, 11 four-star generals. Everybody else is completely released by me," told Tuberville on Tuesday, adding, "They didn't get what they wanted. We didn't get what we wanted."

The move to lift the blockade didn't secure any policy concessions for Tuberville, who faced the threat of Senate Majority Leader Schumer introducing a proposal to circumvent the hold. He acknowledged, "We got all we could get."

Moreover, the White House expressed frustration over Tuberville's tactics, emphasizing the strain on military command structures and families amid global crises, including the conflict in Ukraine, Pacific threats, and Israel's war on Hamas. President Biden labeled the hold on military promotions as "ridiculous."

Senator Tuberville initiated the block on confirmations in March, protesting a Pentagon policy providing paid leave and cost reimbursement for service members traveling for abortions.

This policy arose after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade, leaving some stationed servicemembers without access to the procedure.

Democrats argued that Tuberville should express policy objections by targeting Biden nominees involved with policy rather than nonpolitical military officials. The standoff only saw potential resolution after Senate Republicans highlighted the impact on military nominees and their families.

Internet reacts to Senator Tommy Tuberville lifting the 10-month-long blockade on military promotions

Soon after Senator Tuberville's decision to drop the blockade came to light, netizens slammed him for causing hindrance in the proper operations of the military. 

One wrote, "About time. But what was it all for? Disgraceful," while another quipped, "Up next: Tommy Tuberville demands credit for ending the crisis he caused."

"As a retired Naval family, we abhor this man, and what he has done to our military. Let us not forget: A hold will remain in place for the roughly ten nominations for 4-star generals and officers. So #Tuberville still fing us," noted a person. 

Someone else opined, "It's time to remove him from the senate someday forces committee and amend the rules to prevent this from ever happening again." 

One more noted, "Tolerated his behavior too long for real!"






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