Town hall with Sean Hannity: Donald Trump's witty 'day one' dictatorship promise wins Internet's vote

Town hall with Sean Hannity: Donald Trump's witty 'day one' dictatorship promise wins Internet's vote
After skipping GOP debates, Donald Trump opted for a candid Town Hall session with Fox News' Sean Hannity (Getty Images)

DAVENPORT, IOWA: The fourth GOP debate is only a day away, and the five candidates who are still in the running to become the Republican nominee are Nikki Haley, Ron DeSantis, Chris Christie, Vivek Ramaswamy, and former President Donald Trump.

However, Trump will be skipping yet another GOP debate, and instead, has chosen to participate in a town hall with Fox News anchor Sean Hannity.

Hannity recently hosted a debate between DeSantis and Gavin Newsom and is now in conversation with Trump.

While there were several talking points from this town hall, one that particularly stood out and made rounds on social media was Trump’s comment on being a “dictator.”

Donald Trump promises not to be a ‘dictator’, but there's an exception

During the Town hall in Iowa, Fox News anchor Sean Hannity asked Donald Trump, “The media has been focussed on this, and attacking you, under no circumstances, you are promising America tonight.”


Hannity continued, “You would never abuse power as retribution against anybody.”

It took Trump less than a second to respond as he said, “Except for day one!”

At this response, a puzzled Hannity asked Trump, “Except for day one…meaning?”

Trump said, “I want to close the border, and I want to drill…drill…drill,” as the audience applauded, Trump continued, “'He says you’re not going to be dictator, are you?' I say no no no, other than day one. We are closing the border, and we are drilling, drilling, drilling, after that, I’m not a dictator.”

Internet reacts to Donald Trump’s ‘day one’ dictatorship remark 

After a discussion between Fox News anchor Sean Hannity and Donald Trump on retributions, the conversation shifted to Trump expressing his desire to 'close the border' on 'day one.' The internet swiftly responded to the exchange.

One user wrote, “I'm good with that—one day to clean all the trash out of the house,” and another wrote, “What a great answer he is so good at these town halls.”



“Trump is protecting Democracy more than anyone in the current establishment. That’s why they call him a populist! 😉” wrote one user, and another said, “Trump is better than Biden. We have only 2 options. Biden is too old. He needs to retire now.”



People continued to applaud Trump as one user wrote, “Trump looks energized and positive!” and another wrote, “He has my vote.”



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