Trevion Shaver: Michigan man gets 55 years in prison for causing fatal head injury to 3-year-old daughter

Trevion Shaver: Michigan man gets 55 years in prison for causing fatal head injury to 3-year-old daughter
Trevion Shaver has been sentenced to 55 years in connection to the death of his 3-year-old daughter (Kent County Jail)

ST JOSEPH COUNTY, MICHIGAN: Trevion Shaver, a 23-year-old man from Michigan, has been sentenced for the murder of his three-year-old daughter, Kardie Rose Weathersby.

On December 14, 2023, Shaver was convicted of the murder. According to ABC57, Shaver has been sentenced to 55 years in prison for the 2020 murder.

What happened to Kardie Rose Weathersby?

According to the St Joseph County Metro Homicide Unit, around 12:50 am on October 13, 2020, a man pulled up to the emergency entrance of Memorial Hospital in South Bend and signaled for hospital staff to approach his car.

Trevion Shaver (St Joseph County Sheriff's OFfice)
Trevion Shaver (Kent County Jail)

Inside the vehicle, medical personnel discovered an unresponsive three-year-old child. Upon removing the child from the vehicle, the man, who had barely communicated with them, drove away.

Initial assessments revealed that the child had suffered severe head injuries with neurological symptoms. Sadly, the child was pronounced dead on October 15 without regaining consciousness as per ABC57.

What did child’s mother report?

Police reported that shortly after the child arrived at the hospital, her mother arrived and informed officers and medical staff that her daughter had been with her father, Shaver, for most of the past few days.

The mother stated that she last saw her daughter around 11:00 pm on October 12, and although the child seemed a bit tired, she appeared to be in good health.

Approximately two hours later, around 1 am on October 13, Shaver called the mother to inform her that their daughter was at the hospital and advised her to check on her.

Police noted that Shaver changed his story multiple times, initially claiming that he had applied Bactine to the child's skin, resulting in an allergic reaction, or that the child slipped and hit her head while he was attempting to bath her after wetting herself, or even that she fell out of a car.

According to police, Shaver also admitted to the mother that he had been excessive in disciplining the child.

A forensic pathologist's autopsy revealed that the child died from blunt force trauma to the brain, ruling her death as a homicide.

The pathologist concluded that the fatal injuries occurred during the period when the child was under Shaver's care, as reported by the mother and other witnesses.

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