Trolls target Hunter Biden's 'deluded' attorney Abbe Lowell after he cries foul over client's criminal charges

Trolls target Hunter Biden's 'deluded' attorney Abbe Lowell after he cries foul over client's criminal charges
Hunter Biden's attorney, Abbe Lowell, cries foul over new criminal charges, claiming the president's son is being unfairly targeted for overdue taxes (Columbia Law School, Getty Images)

WASHINGTON, DC: Hunter Biden's attorney, Abbe Lowell, delivered a scathing critique of the tax evasion charges against President Joe Biden's son, contending that similar individuals would not face criminal charges.

In an exclusive interview with CNN on Friday, December 8, Lowell expressed his dismay, questioning, "Where's the fairness, justice, and decency in this?"

Abbe Lowell slams tax evasion charges against his client Hunter Biden

Lowell's condemnation followed Hunter being slapped with nine new charges, carrying the weight of a potential 17-year prison sentence. The extensive 56-page indictment, orchestrated by Special Counsel David Weiss, paints a grim picture of Hunter's alleged scheming to circumvent $1.4 million in taxes from 2016 to 2019.

The charges detail a lifestyle marked by excess, including expenditures on drugs, prostitutes, and an opulent existence, The Hill reported.


Lowell, however, defended his client's actions, acknowledging, "The charges in this new tax indictment talk about a period where Hunter was at the lowest ebb of his addiction."

Highlighting the broader context of addiction struggles, Lowell continued, "And like people in that regard, and I know everybody in America either has somebody in their family or friends who suffer from addiction, he certainly did things that he's not proud of."

Emphasizing Hunter's progress, Lowell added, "He got himself sober in 2019. And he paid all the taxes that are owed in this indictment more than two years ago with interest and penalties."

Despite Hunter's journey to sobriety, Lowell vehemently asserted, "Nobody in that position would be charged the way he was yesterday, nobody."

Hunter Biden's legal battles deepen amid firearms and tax charges

This sets the stage for what may become a contentious legal battle, with Hunter already facing separate firearm charges in Delaware, potentially leading to simultaneous trials in two distinct cases.

The implications of these charges could potentially add a layer of complexity to President Joe Biden's political landscape as he navigates a potential reelection campaign.

With Donald Trump emerging as a leading contender for the GOP nomination, the charges against Hunter have the potential to become a focal point in the upcoming political arena.

Tax law expert Beverly Moran from Vanderbilt University shed light on the rarity of criminal tax cases.

"Most people who commit tax fraud go through their entire lives without anything happening. They don't get audited, they don't get caught, they don't get prosecuted," she stated, "But if they get prosecuted, they get convicted."

Citing 2021 IRS data, Moran highlighted that criminal tax cases represent a minute fraction of those referred for prosecution, with about 90 percent resulting in convictions. However, the severity of the charges against Hunter elevates the scrutiny of the case.


Former New Jersey Gov Chris Christie, a 2024 Republican nomination candidate and a former federal prosecutor, predicted that Hunter might face jail time even if negotiating a new plea deal.

"I'm sure that he could negotiate a plea at this point, but it's not going to be the kind of sweetheart deal he got before," Christie asserted during an interview with NBC's Andrea Mitchell.

He added, "And my guess is that with the combination of the gun charges and the tax charges Hunter Biden is going to have to do time in jail."

Meanwhile, the White House has repeatedly insisted that President Biden would not pardon his son if convicted.

Internet reacts to Abbe Lowell's remarks about his client Hunter Biden

Social media was inundated with a barrage of reactions to Lowell's assertions about his client.

"Clown show," one posted on X (formerly Twitter).


"Imagine using a 'decency' defense of Hunter Biden," another wrote.


"Since when do you not have to pay taxes if you are addicted to drugs and hookers?" a comment read.


"So you do not pay 1.4 million dollars in taxes, get caught, and cry that you are being targeted? He must feel like his Democrat privilege let him down," someone else added.


"You can slim it any way you want, but the DOJ brought the charges. They are making way for a new candidate. Hunter was guilty then and is guilty now," another insisted, while one said, "These people are delusional."



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