Trump calls Biden 'bad representative' for America after bizarre viral moment during D-Day ceremony

Trump calls Biden 'bad representative' for America after bizarre viral moment during D-Day ceremony
Donald Trump reveals what he thinks happened when Joe Biden bizarrely bent down during his speech in France (Getty Images/X)

NORMANDY, FRANCE: Donald Trump has reacted to a viral video capturing President Joe Biden freezing in a half-bent position during a ceremony marking the 80th anniversary of D-Day in Normandy, France.

In the footage, Biden is seen alongside French President Emanuel Macron, who remains standing as Biden awkwardly bends down, seemingly unsure whether to sit or stand.


Donald Trump chimes in on Joe Biden's bizarre moment

The clip has sparked speculation online, with some expressing concerns about Biden's age and fitness for office, especially given his history of public gaffes.

Asked about his views on the video in a TikTok interview, former President Trump remarked, "He goes over to France and something happened and it's not good, I don't know what it is."


Trump, in the same interview posted by right-wing activist Charlie Kirk, went on to label Biden as the "worst president in history" and criticized him as a 'bad representative' of America at foreign events.

Kirk also expressed his concerns about the incident in a post on social media platform X penning, "Yikes! At an Omaha Beach event honoring the 80th Anniversary of the D-Day invasion, Dr. Jill Biden quickly escorts Joe Biden away leaving a seemingly perplexed French President Emmanuel Macron to honor WW2 veterans alone."


Another video from the event shows Biden turning around to watch a service member playing taps on the bugle, while others, including D-Day veterans and Macron, remain facing forward. As the US heads towards an election, Biden's fitness and mental acuity have come under increased scrutiny.


The Wall Street Journal recently published a story detailing claims of the president struggling behind closed doors to remember specific meetings and policy details, adding to the ongoing debate about his leadership capabilities.

Netizens react to Joe Biden's awkward moment at D-Day ceremony

A user tweeted, "That's not even funny, it's concerning to say the least."

"Oh I thought he was sniffing the ghost of a child! My bad! Haha!" a second said.

"Every suit he puts on in the morning is brown in the end," read a tweet.

"Dead man caulking," mocked a user.










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