Trump's insults broke brother Freddy's confidence before death at 42 due to alcohol abuse, says niece Mary

Trump's insults broke brother Freddy's confidence before death at 42 due to alcohol abuse, says niece Mary
Donald Trump's brother, Freddy, experienced 'deep shame' for not living up to his family's standards (Getty Images,

WASHINGTON, DC: Donald Trump's insults in childhood destroyed his elder brother Freddy's confidence and put him on a course that ultimately led to his premature death at the age of 42 from a lifetime of drinking, a new book penned by his niece has revealed.

According to Mary Trump, her father Freddy, Donald's brother, experienced "deep shame" as a result of not living up to his family's standards.

She alleged that her father was "embarrassed" by Donald, who used to make fun of him for leaving the family real estate company to pursue a career as a pilot.

File picture of Frederick Christ Trump Jr. (Creative Commons/Louis Liotta/New York Post Archive)
Donald Trump used to make fun of Freddy for leaving the family real estate company to pursue a career as a pilot (Getty Images)

Donald Trump called Freddy a ‘glorified bus driver’

In 'Who Could Ever Love You: A Family Memoir,' Mary recounted that one of the numerous assaults that led Freddy to turn to alcohol consumption and ultimately result in his death in 1981 was when Donald told her father he was a "glorified bus driver."

The new book paints the Republican presidential contender as a "failure" and a "thin-skinned bully" who abused younger kids.

Mary Trump also criticizes her grandfather in book

Fred Trump Sr, the man who started the Trump Organization, is another target of Mary's scathing criticism in her book.

She refered to him as a "sociopath" who was "incapable of loving anybody."

Fred used to call Freddy a "goddamn chauffeur in the sky" and made fun of him as well.

This is Mary's second book about her family, following her best-selling memoir 'Too Much and Never Enough' from 2020, in which she maintained that Donald had suffered "child abuse" due to his father's negligence.

ATLANTIC CITY, NJ - JANUARY 22: Businessman Donald Trump's Father Fred Trump at Tyson vs Holmes Convention Hall in Atlantic City, New Jersey January 22 1988. (Photo by Jeffrey Asher/ Getty Images)
Fred Trump Sr, the man who started the Trump Organization, was another target of Mary Trump's scathing criticism (Getty Images)

Freddy was supposed to be the successor of the Trump business

Freddy, the eldest Trump son, was meant to take over Fred's role as head of the Trump family real estate company. However, he turned this down and chose to escape his father's oppressive supervision and general disapproval.

According to Mary, he applied to the airline TWA and was admitted to the pilot training program in 1964.

Freddy was given a route assignment from Boston to Los Angeles four months after graduating.

"Although Freddy could fly a 160-ton aircraft and keep all 180 passengers safe, he could not withstand the pressure his father was putting on him to return to Trump Management (the family real estate business)," Mary wrote, per Daily Mail

Mary Trump reveals wht made matters worse for her father

According to Mary Trump, Donald would tell Freddy, "Dad’s embarrassed by you. He tells everybody you’re a glorified bus driver."

"The mockery from his family led Freddy to start drinking," she wrote. "The deep shame he felt at struggling to hold on to his dream, at failing to live up to his father’s expectations, he couldn’t confide in his wife, leaving him to deal with all of it alone."

Donald’s ‘widening cruel streak’ and his embrace by his father only made matters worse.

Donald Trump was given as much money as he wanted 

Donald Trump received an unlimited amount of money along with benefits including a car, credit for work he didn't perform, and a driver, while Freddy was financially "frozen out."

Since the ex-POTUS, then 24 years old, was the company's president in 1970, Freddy no longer bothered as he had little possibility of moving ahead in the ranks.

"There was literally nothing Freddy could do to change his father’s feelings towards him," Mary wrote.

Mary said that the "trouble with Donald" began when he was a boy and he "tormented" his little brother, Robert, and had "nothing but disdain for everybody else." Mary said it was particularly the case with his mother.

Mary Trump claims that nobody liked Donald Trump

The kids in their Queens, New York, neighborhood thought of Donald as a "thin-skinned bully" who would beat up younger children and flee home in a fit of wrath if someone dared to challenge him. Mary, who now works as a therapist, wrote, "Nobody liked Donald when he was growing up, not even his parents."

She added, "As he got older, those personality traits hardened and the hostile indifference and aggressive disrespect he’d developed as a toddler to help withstand the neglect from his mother, because she was seriously ill and psychologically unstable, and from his father because, as a sociopath, he had no interest in his children outside of Freddy. Even so the interest wasn’t love - Fred (Sr) was incapable of loving anybody."

Mary Trump claims her father and Trump were failures for different reasons

Mary Trump claimed that Donald and her father were both "failures," albeit for different reasons. Donald failed because he "had none of the requisite skills to succeed on his own," Mary wrote. Everything Freddy did was a "personal affront" to Fred and so his eldest son "repelled him."

YOUNGSTOWN, OH - SEPTEMBER 17: Former President Donald Trump speaks at a Save America Rally to suppo
Mary Trump claimed that Donald Trump and her father were both 'failures,' albeit for different reasons (Getty Images)

Mary Trump asserted her father cared about Donald Trump

Freddy "cared about Donald only to the extent that he could use him," Mary wrote.

She said, "He needed somebody with Donald’s unselfconscious swagger, lack of self-reflection, and brazen ignorance of his inadequacies to be his avatar of success in a world beyond the unglamorous and provincial precincts of Brooklyn and Queens. Donald played his role to perfection."

Mary Trump said lawsuits are 'love language' for the Trump family

Mary has claimed that lawsuits are the Trump family's "love language" because they are so fond of them. This also applied to her when Donald filed a $100 million lawsuit against her for assisting reporters from the New York Times in publishing details about his personal finances, including his tax returns.

The lawsuit claimed that it was an "insidious plot to obtain confidential and highly-sensitive records which they exploited for their own benefit and utilized as a means of falsely legitimizing their publicized works."

A New York appeal court decided in May that the case may proceed.

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