'Vote for Joe, not the psycho': George Conway mocks Donald Trump with billboard near Mar-a-Lago

'Vote for Joe, not the psycho': George Conway mocks Donald Trump with billboard near Mar-a-Lago
George Conway trolls Donald Trump with a billboard near his Mar-a-Lago residence calling him a 'psycho' (Getty Images, Screengrab/MSNBC)

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK: Conservative attorney George Conway has escalated his trolling of former President Donald Trump right up to Trump's backyard in Florida, reported HuffPost.

A long-time critic of the presumptive GOP nominee, George Conway, has funded a billboard near Trump's Mar-a-Lago residence in Palm Beach, Florida, that reads, “Vote for Joe, Not the Psycho.”

Why did George Conway put up the billboard?

Conway promoted his stunt over the social media platform X, sharing images of the billboard and its location, writing, "So, just for kicks, I put up a billboard a few miles south of Palm Beach on I-95 South, perfect for anyone happening to travel from Mar-a-Lago to Doral to, say, play golf. Right around Exit 64, I believe. They’re going to send me better photos later."


Speaking with MSNBC host Chris Hayes regarding the subject on Thursday, May 23, Conway said that the billboard was put up by him "on a lark."

He further shared that the slogan also featured on blue and white bumper stickers and hats created by him.

“I thought about putting it up at the Holland Tunnel or the Lincoln Tunnel but it turns out he’s not going to Bedminster this summer, some reporters tell me, because the campaign is going to be run out of an office near West Palm Beach Airport,” he shared.

"So, this was the perfect location. And I hope he sees it and I hope it amuses him as much as it amuses me.”

George Conway on Nikki Haley supporting Donald Trump

"It's a cult, that's the only way you can describe it," Conway told Hayes when asked about his reaction to former GOP presidential candidate Haley announcing on Thursday that she would vote for Trump over Biden.


"It consists of basically two groups of people. Some people who have basically completely lost it, you know, the people we see in the House of Representatives. And there are people who are basically afraid to call out that so many people have lost it," he continued.

"That's basically what just happened here with Nikki Haley. And the person who really lost it the most is Donald Trump. He is the crazy one and everybody is getting more crazy than he is. As Nikki Haley pointed out when she was telling the truth for a couple of weeks in the Spring, he is mentally unstable and getting worse," he added.

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