'Wish more could escape': Former Trump supporter Ally Sammarco praised for labeling ex-prez 'con man'

'Wish more could escape': Internet praises former Trump supporter Ally Sammarco as she labels ex-prez 'con man'
Ex-Trump supporter Ally Sammarco spills the beans on the Republican Party (MeidasTouch/YouTube, @realdonaldtrump/Instagram)

WASHINGTON, D.C.: Ally Sammarco is a former Donald Trump supporter who started as a Mitt Romney supporter in 2012, had it made with the MAGA crowd in 2016, but now she’s made it her life's mission to expose Trump and the rest of the conspiracy theory peddling GOP voices.

A Republican from the age of 14, Ally went down the Trump rabbit hole in 2016 but soon realized his malignant, narcissistic, and hateful ways and got out.


Ally is now a host on Meidas Touch Network and has uploaded a video on YouTube on Sunday, December 24, recounting her experience growing up and how she escaped the grip they’d had on her mind.

What did ex-Trump supporter Ally say about her journey?

Ally began the video by prefacing her involvement in conservative political rallies prior to Trump’s rise in power.

“Hi everyone! My name is Ally. I'm a contributor for the Meidas Touch Network and believe it or not I was once a Trump supporter. I want to tell you guys a little bit about how I got in that mess, how I got out, and my message to others in the same position,” Ally said.

She then provided visual proof of her being a Republican since her childhood, saying, “Here's a photo of me from a Romney-Ryan rally in 2012, here's a photo of me at Trump's Inauguration in downtown DC in January of 2017, and lastly here's a photo of me on Election Day of November 2016.”

“So, I'm sure you're wondering how I got there. For starters, I got into politics around age 14. Like most people, I inherited a lot of views from my parents especially, my dad," she explained.

“My dad at the time was very into ‘Conservative Talk Radio’ so I spent a lot of time in the car on road trips listening to conservative talk radio which means I was listening to Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Mark Levin 24/7,” she added. “Naturally because of them, I believed a lot of conspiracy theories some of these theories included that Michelle Obama was secretly a man, that Barack Obama was part of the Muslim Brotherhood and was out to destroy the country, and worst of all, that the Sandy Hook shooting in 2012 was completely fake, and that the parents were crisis actors.”

She then clarifies, “Yes, now I know that these conspiracy theories about Barack and Michelle Obama were very much rooted in racism. Sometimes, I think Republicans develop conspiracy theories to deal with things that they just can't accept. They're in total denial and they'd rather just live in a fake reality than the real one. Which is why they deny the existence of climate change and why something like January 6th happened. As we know so many still live in the fake reality that the 2020 election was stolen.”

Ally reminisced about her time as a young conservative, “So because I believed in all these theories, I believed that Democrats were totally evil and that Republicans were the good guys. So, in 2012, I started knocking doors and making phone calls for Mitt Romney. Then in 2013, I campaigned for Ken Cuccinelli in the Virginia Governor's race. After that, I got an internship with the Republican Party Headquarters in Arlington, Virginia. I also was the vice president of the Young Republican’s Club at my high school. I was All In!”

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She recalled the time when Donald Trump was rumored to be the preferred GOP candidate ahead of 2016 and explained why she went with Ted Cruz instead.

“In 2016, I knew that Donald Trump was running. I just didn't really think much of him. I voted for Ted Cruz in the primaries, which is nothing to be proud of, but at the time I thought he was more principled and more presidential.”

She noted, “When Trump won the nomination, I fell right in line because, when you think the other side is evil, you can't imagine voting for anyone other than your own guy. So, I happily voted for Trump I thought I had some unconventional wisdom that other women just didn't,” adding, “Later in January of 2017, I went to attend Trump's Inauguration in DC. As you saw, I was arrogant, I felt vindicated, and I did not care that there were thousands of protesters there. I was there to support Trump.”

How did perception regarding Republican Party change for Ally?

In the video, Ally admits, “I wish there was one moment I could point to or I'm like yep, that's it! But truthfully, it was a process of realizing what I already knew deep down, that he was unprincipled and unpresidential.”

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She stated, “One thing I will say is that, once you realize he has a severe case of narcissism, it helps explain a lot of his behavior. Then, you'll realize he should be absolutely nowhere near the Oval Office.”

Ally said, “I'm not saying that he isn't responsible for his own behavior, he is, but, once I came to the realization that he actually has a mental illness, everything started to make sense. That's when I got angry because I realized the Republican Party had been coddling him this whole time with zero push back and now he was a monster.”

She continued, “I used to think that eventually he would do something so bad that it would be the final straw for the party. But that day never came and it still hasn't come. It also showed me the truth, that everything the party said they believed in, was a lie,” adding, “Every value was a lie because if you could stand by a man like Donald Trump, you didn't have values, you didn't have principles, period.”

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Ally concluded her video by saying, “To me, it lifted the curtain on everything, now I've dedicated the rest of my life to stopping Donald Trump and undoing all the damage that he's caused. I joined the Democratic party after that and since then I've never looked back.”

She added, “Best decision I've ever made realizing that everything you thought was true was a lie, is a tough realization, but a necessary one. Yes, I have family and friends who still worship Trump, and yes they have blocked me on Facebook. But that's okay because they don't want to be reached, they don't want to have a dialogue, they just want to live in a safe world of conspiracy theories and denial."

She remained resolute in her pursuit by saying, “For those that can be reached and want to be reached, I think it's important to maintain respect on both sides because just like how I thought Democrats were evil and we were the good guys, my mind changed. Their mind can change too.”

She signed off with a stark warning for the MAGA crowd, “Now my advice to Trumpers is, get the hell out of there while you can. You probably know deep down that he's unfit. Don't be afraid to say it. Lastly, turn off Conservative Talk Radio. I hope that helped explain my journey from Trumper to Democrat.”

Internet praises Ally as she recounts her story from a Trumper to Democrat

People on X (formerly Twitter) commended Ally for her honest account of her time working with the Republican Party, and how she got out of her perpetual thinking to start living her life in a new light.


One X user wrote: "Awesome video and wish that more could escape the gaslighting and brainwashing."


Another user remarked: "Great video... Very enlightening! Unfortunately, so many Trump supporters will never see the light, like you did. Congrats for leaving the cult."


Another user said: "Well done, Ally. I think stories like yours - from Republicans who switched - are of greatest value. I think people who have their identity caught up in being MAGA can't really hear outsiders. But some, a few, will listen to former insiders. I hope you share it widely."


One user tweeted: "Interesting video! It's brave of you to share your experiences and perspectives, even if it means facing some backlash. Looking forward to watching it!"


Another user stated: "It's ok if they did at least you woke up and realized and maybe they shall to one day!"


Finally, this X user remarked: "Interesting video! It's always important to critically analyze and question the actions and motivations of political figures. It can be tough when beliefs clash with loved ones, but growth comes from embracing diverse perspectives. Keep up the thought-provoking content!"



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