'You lost in 2020': Trump trolled for repeating false claim 'he won Wisconsin' during Green Bay rally

'You lost in 2020': Trump trolled for repeating false claim 'he won Wisconsin' during Green Bay rally
Former President Donald Trump delivered a false statement during a rally in Wisconsin (Getty Images)

WASHINGTON, DC: Former President Donald Trump delivered a false statement on Tuesday, April 2, at a Green Bay rally where he mentioned that he won Wisconsin during the 2020 election, according to NBC News.

Notably, Wisconsin went for Trump in 2016, but not in 2020. Although there was an increase in turnout in 2020 compared to 2016, Trump's votes were still less than that of Joe Biden by more than 20,000. 

Trump falsely claims 'he won Wisconsin' during speech in Green Bay

During the rally, Trump said, "You know we won this state. We won this state by a lot. It came out that we won this."

In an interview with conservative talk radio host Dan O'Donnell from Milwaukee on Monday, April 1, Trump made the same false statement.


He said, "We actually did much better than the first time. We won it in Wisconsin, as you know, the first time. The second time we did much better, but I guess it was delayed. They found out a lot of wrongdoing. And after the wrongdoing was found, people said, 'Well, he actually did win.'"

Notably, even while Trump keeps spreading conspiracy theories, many Republican Party officials and other candidates have stated that they want to move past accusations that the 2020 election was rigged.

(Getty Images)
Despite Trump's persistent recriminations over it, top allies have attempted to shift the focus from the last election to November (Getty Images)

Moreover, Wisconsin was crucial to Trump's efforts to overturn the 2020 election.

A lawsuit settlement obtained more than three years after the 2020 election claims that two Trump associate lawyers masterminded a scheme to fabricate documents claiming he won the state using fictitious electors, with the operation starting in Wisconsin. Similar tactics were used in other significant battleground states.

Notably, top allies have attempted to shift the focus from the last election to November, despite Trump's persistent recriminations over it.

Mike Lindell, founder of MyPillow and one of the most well-known proponents of the hoax that the 2020 election was rigged, energized the audience around ninety minutes before Trump approached the stage. He repeated the assertion that Wisconsin and Pennsylvania were determined incorrectly.

He said, "We all know what happened in Wisconsin in the 2020 election."

Internet mocks Donald Trump for his false statement

Several people on the internet took a jibe at Donald Trump after he claimed during the rally that he won in Wisconsin in 2020.

A user wrote on X, "You won what? Come again", while another added, "No it didn't and no you lost in 2020 and will lose again!"



A person stated, "Trump is vile", whereas one mentioned, "Didn't win Wisconsin. Never won the popular vote nationally." A user also wrote, "Why do his supporters believe his lies? Its not as if he has provided any evidence to support his claims."




A person also stated, "He lost the state. It was really close. But when he won the state, in 2016, it was also similarly close."


This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.

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