'Your desperation is palpable': Laura Ingraham slammed for declaring Nikki Haley 'has no political future' while endorsing Trump

'Your desperation is palpable': Laura Ingraham slammed for declaring Nikki Haley 'has no political future' while endorsing Trump
Laura Ingraham takes a brutal jab at Nikki Haley (@foxnews/YouTube, NBC News)

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK: Fox News host Laura Ingraham analyzes the current state of affairs in the GOP primary race on the night preceding the anticipated showdown between former President Donald Trump and Nikki Haley.

She took a brutal stance at Haley and called her out while supporting Trump as the nominee for the 2024 presidential elections.

Ingraham took to X, formerly known as Twitter to share her monologue with her followers, however, she faced backlash as many people on the internet slammed her brutally.

Laura Ingraham claims Nikki Haley is ‘finished’

Fox News anchor Laura Ingraham took to X and wrote, “Laura: Nikki Haley is prolonging the obvious.”


In her monologue, Ingraham said, “For some reason, [Nikki] Haley thinks that the right way to attract working-class Republicans and independents is to court Wall Street.”

“The Hill is reporting that billionaire Stanley Druckenmiller, Henry Kravis, Ken Langone and Cliff Asness are reportedly planning a fundraiser for Haley, a big one on January 30th.”

She continued, “It's going to be in New York, then. But that's not all, because after that, she'll be hitting Miami and Palm Beach to meet with wealthy donors and also go to California and Texas before the South Carolina primary, where she hopes she's going to meet more donors, according to a source.”

Ingraham further stated, “Now, Haley's team is bragging about all this, bragging about their $24 million fourth-quarter money haul. And that's a lot of money. But it also got a third-place finish in Iowa for her, and the spending on all that adds [up]. Did it really work? It's hardly impressive to me.”

“She's hoping an additional $4 million ad buy in South Carolina is going to ensure that she's no Jeb Bush. She's not the Jeb Bush of 2024. No way. But in this climate where the winning message is closer to power to the people, she's veering toward power to the plutocrats.”

The Fox News host continued, “It's not smart at all for either the billionaires or Governor Haley. They might as well light their money on fire at this point. Throw it off the top of the tallest building they can find, or send it to their favorite cause. I don't know, I'm trying to be creative here. Ukraine. Send it right to Zelenskyy.”

She continued to slam Haley, “Haley is finished, and prolonging the obvious is just ensuring that she has no political future. It's not really going to hurt Trump at this point. Well, maybe she has a political future if you think Liz Cheney has a bright political future.”

“Now, Trump didn't win because DeSantis ran a weak campaign. A lot of people are dumping on DeSantis. Trump won because the Republican base was never going to abandon him once the Biden administration decided to use the Justice Department against him.”

Ingraham claimed, “I mean, conservatives understand properly that we can never let the Democrats pick our nominee. Never. And we know that if they succeed in weaponizing the DOJ against President Trump, they're going to use the same tactics against anyone who ever really threatens their hold on power.”

“That sort of tyranny cannot stand, and Republicans have wisely pulled together to make sure it doesn't.”

She backed Trump adding, “Now, under these circumstances, most Republicans were not looking for an alternative in 2024. But let's not forget all those former Republicans who claim that they were appalled by the chaos of President Trump.”

“For almost eight years, they told us that they weren't so concerned with President Trump's policies. Oh, no, they were just upset that he didn't follow the norms, that he was dangerous.”

Ingraham also took a jab at Ron DeSantis, “Now Governor DeSantis' campaign proved that those people were actually lying, because if they really had been looking for the principled conservative they claim they wanted, they would've rallied to Governor DeSantis.”

“But they didn't because they don't like DeSantis' policies either, or his beliefs. They want open borders. They want the US to be China's equal or even maybe junior partner. And they want social conservatives to stand down. And they want war. Lots and lots of war.”

Ingraham said, “So, as long as it doesn't inconvenience the CCP, that is. That's what they've always wanted. That's what they want now. Everything else they tell you is a lie. They aren't conservatives, and frankly, they're not really patriots, not least the way I think of patriots.”

“They're not principled, and that's why they had little to no interest in supporting DeSantis because they only support politicians they can control,” she concluded.


Internet blasts on Laura Ingraham after she supported Donald Trump

Many X users brutally ripped Laura Ingraham after she backed Donald Trump as the president.

One person wrote, “Nikki doesn’t need your advice, and neither do I,” and another added, “We don’t want Donald Trump Laura. You know he is a dangerous man. Why do you on Fox News still want him after what he did on January 6.”



An X user called out Ingraham, “And you are promoting another Trump-driven loss. Look at the PA poll this morning, stop and THINK about whether you care more about winning or your ratings,” and another said, “Laura, how are we going to get Trump to Govern competently this time if he becomes president again? It was obvious to me that he didn’t know what he was doing and the establishment took advantage of that.”



One more person slammed the host, “Laura, your desperation is palpable. Not that I care what happens in your racist camp of republican haters, but I wonder what’ll be your excuse when Biden trashes Trump again in November. I can’t wait to watch your pained face again 😂🤣.”


Another wrote, “This Angle was probably the worst one yet. Let the girl run. All this show does is Nag. Most annoying thing to watch while cooking dinner. Scrap this show. Bring back Tucker, or hell, we will take Megyn Kelly 😂.” 



This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online. 

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