'A loser': Mark Levin slams Nikki Haley for staying in presidential race despite 'not going anywhere'

'A loser': Mark Levin slams Nikki Haley for staying in presidential race despite 'not going anywhere'
Mar Levin slammed Nikki Haley over refusal to drop out of the GOP presidential race (Wikipedia/Getty)

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: After an appearance on CNN's 'The Lead,' former South Carolina Governor and Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley has faced criticism from conservative commentator Mark Levin.

The contentious exchange unfolded after anchor Jake Tapper questioned Haley about RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel's suggestion to drop out due to a perceived lack of a viable path forward.

Defiance amid criticism: Nikki Haley responds to calls to drop out

Haley vehemently defended her decision, stating, "I absolutely think it was inappropriate."

She emphasized the early stage of the primaries, asserting, "We have 48 states and more territories to go before we get there. I’m not going anywhere. I will continue to go all the way through South Carolina, go on to Super Tuesday, and keep on going forward."

On Friday, February 2, Mark Levin shared his unfiltered thoughts on Nikki Haley's determination to continue her presidential campaign.

Dismissing her resolve, Levin didn't mince words, labeling her a "loser" and commenting, "Correct Nikki, you’re not going anywhere. That’s called a loser."


Haley's Vision: prioritizing domestic policy, national security, and primary victories

Throughout the interview, Haley elaborated on her commitment to the campaign, emphasizing the need to address domestic policy, prevent wars, and ensure national security.

She criticized the chaotic state of the nation and called for a focus on winning primaries to get the country back on track.

She added, “This is about the fact we cannot live in chaos anymore. It is about the fact we have to focus on what it will take to not just get domestic policy on track, what we do to prevent wars and make sure we keep America safe. We cannot do it with the two guys there. Americans are telling people that. We need to make sure we are listening and focus on what it takes to win a primary so we can get our country back on track.”


Strategic resilience post-New Hampshire: Haley's long-term perspective

As Tapper probed about Haley's strategy post-New Hampshire, she affirmed her intention to proceed to South Carolina, emphasizing the long-term nature of the election process.

Despite projections and questions about her campaign's future, Haley remained optimistic, saying, "Right now, we will take whatever we can take. It was a good start. It gave us some good energy and momentum."

Haley's refusal to define a specific threshold for a "strong showing" in New Hampshire led to a discussion about Trump's predictions of her potential withdrawal.

Dismissing Trump's remarks, Haley asserted her resilience, stating, "I'm a fighter. I work hard. I do it because I love this country. We're going to go on fighting until the last poll closes."

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