'A total monster': Robert De Niro says he will never play Donald Trump in movies as he finds 'nothing redeemable' in him

'A total monster': Robert De Niro says he will never play Donald Trump in movies as he finds 'nothing redeemable' in him
Robert De Niro said he 'can't see any good' in Donald Trump and will never play him in movies (Getty Images, @euanapolli/Instagram)

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: Robert De Niro said he would never portray former US President Donald Trump in any film, claiming he had "nothing redeemable" about him.

The 80-year-old actor began by praising President Biden's performance on Thursday, March 7's State of the Union address, calling concerns about his age "nonsense" in 'Real Time' interview on HBO.

Robert De Niro says voting for Donald Trump is to live a nightmare

De Niro put forward two conditions people want to live in. One was living the life people enjoy or living a nightmare.

(Getty Images)
Robert De Niro asserted that voting for Donald Trump as the President of the US would be like getting a nightmare (Getty Images)

"Vote for Trump and you'll get the nightmare. Vote for Biden and you'll be back to normalcy," he told host Bill Maher.

After the two-time Oscar winner was told Trump seems to be winning among key groups. He said those people who voted for him were not happy.

"I guess they get behind that kind of logic, they want to f*** with people, screw them because they're unhappy about something," De Niro said as per Daily Mail.


Why Robert De Niro will never play Donald Trump in movies?

De Niro then went on a rant calling Trump "a total monster," adding that he is a "mean, nasty, and hateful person."

"I'd never play him as an actor because he's- I can't see any good in him. Nothing. Nothing at all. Nothing redeemable in him," De Niro said. 

Donald Trump says 'Republicans eat their young' on Truth Social (@realdonaldtrump/Truth Social)
Robert De Niro called Donald Trump 'a total monster' (@realdonaldtrump/Truth Social)

He continued, "Whoever the people are who want to vote for him- and they look like intelligent people around there, for some reason, it can't be. It can not be." 

Robert De Niro warns Bill Maher he won't be allowed to host the show if Donald Trump comes to power 

De Niro then told host Bill Maher to keep his bags packed and ready because if Trump was coming to power, he wouldn't be allowed to do the show.

"If he wins the election, you won't be on this show anymore," he warned Maher.

De Niro then told host Bill Meher to keep his bags packed and ready for if Trump was coming to power he wouldn't be allowed to do the show (Real Time with Bill Maher/ YouTube)
De Niro then warned host Bill Maher that if Trump came to power, he wouldn't be allowed to do the show (Real Time with Bill Maher/YouTube)

"He'll come looking for me. There'll be things that happen that none of us can imagine. That's what happens in that kind of dictatorship, which is what he says. Let's believe him, take him at his word," De Niro said.

He continued ranting, "He's a sociopathic, psychopathic, malignant narcissist."

As De Niro's words sparked applause, he said, "He is a dangerous person, and we have to really help people… the people who somehow think he's gonna be the answer to their prayers, whatever those are."

When asked whether he knew him in New York social circles, De Niro replied he "didn't want to know him" because he was "an idiot" and "a clown."

"He's a classic bully…. He's got to be stopped," said De Niro. 

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