Biden campaign co-chair Mitch Landrieu roasted after saying he doesn't know why Latino voters are turning against prez

Biden campaign co-chair Mitch Landrieu roasted after saying he doesn't know why Latino voters are turning against prez
Mitch Landrieu has no clue why Latino voters are abandoning Joe Biden (NBC News, Getty Images)

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: Mitch Landrieu, co-chair of President Joe Biden's reelection campaign, recently addressed concerns regarding the declining support for the President from Latino voters over immigration policies.

In an interview on NBC's 'Meet the Press,' Landrieu expressed uncertainty about the reasons behind the trend, emphasizing the complexity of voter dynamics within the Latino community.

Joe Biden campaign manager Mitch Landrieu says Latino voters 'like everybody else'

When questioned about the latest polling data indicating a shift in Latino voter sentiment away from Biden, Landrieu responded, "Well, I don’t know. I think that you got to play this thing out and see actually how it works. Latino voters are like everybody else." He noted similarities with African American voters in terms of their shifting political allegiances over time.

"They move around from space to space. You see this with African American voters as well," Landrieu added.

(NBC News)
(NBC News)

Latino voters disillusioned with Biden's immigration policies

Recent polls, such as the Equis survey of 1,592 Latino voters in battleground states, reveal significant concerns among Latinos regarding immigration policy.

According to the poll, a notable 41 per cent of respondents trust former President Donald Trump more than Biden on immigration issues, marking a reversal from previous Democratic advantages in this area.

Democrats have traditionally held an edge with Latino voters on immigration policy, but the perception of "broken promises" from the Biden admin has led to growing disillusionment within this key demographic. "Joe Biden on Day One, on Day One, sent a comprehensive immigration reform proposal to Congress. They did nothing with it," Landrieu claimed.

(Joe Biden/Facebook)
Joe Biden's popularity among Latino voters has diminished, a poll claims (Joe Biden/Facebook)

This sentiment is underscored by Biden's lower approval ratings among Latinos compared to the 2020 election results, where he garnered 65 per cent support versus Trump's 32 per cent.

RFK Jr has taken 'considerable bite' out of Biden's standing with Latino voters

The influence of third-party candidates, such as Robert F Kennedy Jr, has also been cited as a factor contributing to Biden's diminishing support among Latino and Hispanic voters. "Some strategists have fretted that independent hopeful Robert Kennedy Jr has taken a considerable bite out of Biden’s standing with Latino and Hispanic voters," Landrieu acknowledged.

Survey data from Voto Latino indicates that Biden's lead over Trump narrows significantly when third-party contenders are included in polling scenarios.

Landrieu defended Biden's immigration initiatives, highlighting the administration's efforts to propose comprehensive reform on Day One, which he claims Congress has failed to act upon. "The border is in trouble, and it has been for the past 20 or 30 years," he added, referencing the contentious nature of the issue.

However, he acknowledged ongoing challenges at the border, an issue that has been contentious and highly politicized.

"As the pair go head-to-head in a televised national debate Thursday, everything that we do is high-risk," Landrieu said, referring to the upcoming debate between Biden and Trump.

Biden's strategy against Trump for presidential debate

Reflecting on the dynamics of the upcoming debate hosted by CNN, he remarked on the unpredictability of Trump's behavior but expressed confidence in Biden's ability to confront him effectively.

Former President Donald Trump made several verbal gaffes during the Philadelphia MAGA rally (Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)
Former President Donald Trump made several verbal gaffes during the Philadelphia MAGA rally (Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)

"It really doesn’t matter how Donald Trump shows up. If he comes in unhinged like he is most of the time, or he sits there and is quiet, people are going to know that he’s a twice impeached felon," Landrieu said. 

"Who knows what Donald Trump is going to do at any minute or any time? I bet that he’s going to talk over the microphone times like he does, but the best way to fight a bully is to stand up to him," Landrieu asserted. "And Joe Biden has done that before," he added. 

"The debate is widely seen as a key test of concerns about Biden’s age. He is the oldest president in US history and would be 86 at the end of a hypothetical second term," Landrieu noted.


"First of all, Joe Biden doesn’t have any concerns about his mental fitness, nor do I," Landrieu defended. "I spent an incredible amount of time with Joe Biden. That’s just a fade that the other side is pushing," he added.  

The upcoming debate between Biden and Trump is expected to provide a crucial platform for both candidates to address voter concerns directly.

With Biden aiming to retain support among Latino voters and shore up his electoral prospects, the debate could serve as a pivotal moment in shaping public perception and support leading up to the next presidential election.

Internet says voters are waking up to 'identity politics' 

Internet blasted Joe Biden and his diminishing support among Latino voters hardly came as a surprise to many. 

One user wrote, "This guy doesn't want to lose his job. And will say anything to save it. Trump 2024."

Another one commented, "Latinos are some of the most religious and conservative people you will meet. The whole open borders for votes will backfire. That’s why."

One user said, "Maybe because their campaign treated them as Latinos and not American citizens first. People are waking up to Identify politics."

One added, "I know why. Latino voters are hard working, God loving, family oriented people. The opposite of everything the democrats stand for."

Another replied, "This is a very easy call why they are fleeing sleepy joe it’s because they don’t want the illegals taking free bees away from them."

One said, "Xiden is working hard on securing our Nation for our enemies."

This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.

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