Bill Maher compares Trump's popularity after Jan 6 to Jair Bolsonaro's fate after failed insurrection

Bill Maher compares Trump's popularity after Jan 6 to Jair Bolsonaro's fate after failed insurrection
Bill Maher highlighted the events of 2020, when Donald Trump lost his re-election bid and fueled baseless claims of election fraud (@RealTime/YouTube)

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: In a recent monologue on 'Real Time with Bill Maher', the outspoken comedian and political commentator delivered a scathing critique of America's political landscape, drawing a striking comparison with Brazil's recent political turmoil.

Maher, known for his unfiltered takes on current events, took aim at the state of democracy in both countries, offering a unique perspective on the divergent paths they've taken.


Maher's proposes American students to study Brazil's constitution 

Maher opened with a satirical proposal, stating, "And finally, new rule: In the future, all American school kids must be made to study the Constitution, not ours – Brazil's, because plainly that one is working a lot better than the one we have."

The comedian humorously pointed out the irony of the suggestion, highlighting the challenges facing American democracy.

Bill Maher proposed a bold new rule for American school kids: study the Constitution of Brazil. (@RealTime/Youtube)

He then delved into what he referred to as a "scientific experiment" comparing the political situations in America and Brazil.

Maher highlighted the parallel narratives of then incumbent presidents - Donald Trump in the US and Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil.

Bill Maher highlighted Brazil's parallel situation, with Jair Bolsonaro, Brazil's thrice-married far-right populist incumbent president (@RealTime/Youtube)

Bolsonaro, described as "thrice-married far-right populist incumbent president known as the Trump of the tropics," lost their reelection bids and subsequently embarked on campaigns of misinformation about rigged elections, ultimately resulting in the storming of their respective capitols.

Maher's contrasts democracies in the aftermath of Capitol incursions

The comedian drew attention to the crucial difference in the aftermath of these incidents, saying, "Here's where we see the difference between a healthy democracy and one that's hanging by a thread".

While the siege on the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, left America divided, the failed insurrection in Brazil on January 8, 2023, had a markedly different outcome.

Maher emphasized, "After January 8th, almost all of Brazil turned on the plotters and made Bolsonaro a pariah."

Bill Maher underscored that, despite both insurrections failing, only 6% of Brazilians supported the mob that sacked their capital (@RealTime/Youtube)

Maher then humorously contrasted the post-insurrection actions of Trump and Bolsonaro.

He pointed out that Trump continued to bask in tributes at his Winter Palace in Florida, while Bolsonaro found himself dining alone at a KFC in Florida – a real picture that served as a comedic punctuation to the stark contrast.

The monologue concluded with a statistical revelation: "Today, only 6% of Brazilians say they support the mob that sacked their capital."

In contrast, Maher highlighted the concerning reality in the United States, where Trump's popularity remains high, and he is seemingly on track to regain power.

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