Chuck Schumer claims he refused to shake Benjamin Netanyahu's hand but photos tell a different story

Chuck Schumer claims he refused to shake Benjamin Netanyahu's hand but photos tell a different story
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer recently made headlines when he claimed that he refused to shake hands with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (Getty Images)

WASHINGTON, DC: On Sunday, July 28, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer made headlines with a claim regarding his interaction—or lack thereof—with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Schumer insisted that his refusal to shake Netanyahu's hand during the latter’s address to Congress was rooted in “serious disagreements” over policy. However, photos and videos paint a different picture altogether.

Chuck Schumer’s apparent snub

Chuck Schumer’s claim that his decision not to shake Benjamin Netanyahu’s hand was due to policy disagreements is contradicted by evidence released by the Israeli Prime Minister's office.

A photograph and video footage from this private meeting show Schumer and Netanyahu engaging in a handshake.

The aformentioned footage, captured by Roi Avraham and Ben Peretz of Israel’s Government Press Office, clearly depicts the two leaders shaking hands in a private setting before Netanyahu’s address.


Despite the private handshake, Schumer’s behavior during Netanyahu’s public appearance was notably different. As Netanyahu walked down the aisle of the House chamber toward the podium, Schumer pointedly did not extend his hand. This apparent public refusal was perceived by many as a deliberate snub, sparking speculation about Schumer’s motives.

In an attempt to clarify his actions, Schumer appeared on CBS News’ 'Face the Nation', where he discussed his decision not to shake Netanyahu’s hand in public.

Reporter Robert Costa asked, "Sticking with the Middle East, Senator, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu just in Washington. You were part of the formal bipartisan invitation to have him come to Washington. Yet there was video of you not shaking his hand when he was on the floor on Capitol Hill. Why not? Why did you not shake his hand?"

Schumer responded, “Well, look, you know, I went to this speech because the relationship between Israel and America is ironclad, and I wanted to show that. But, at the same time, as everyone knows, I have serious disagreements with the way Benjamin Netanyahu has conducted these policies.”


Protocol and political implications of Chuck Schumer's actions

Refusing to shake the hand of a foreign leader, particularly one democratically elected like Benjamin Netanyahu, is seen as a serious breach of diplomatic protocol. Furthermore, handshakes are commonplace in political interactions, even amid policy disagreements.

Schumer’s decision to publicly snub Netanyahu while engaging in a private handshake could be a strategic maneuver to signal his stance to his political base without completely severing diplomatic ties.

Schumer’s actions can be better understood in the context of his previous statements and actions concerning Netanyahu. In March, Schumer delivered a speech on the Senate floor advocating for Netanyahu's removal through new elections.

He slammed Netanyahu, saying, “As a lifelong supporter of Israel, it has become clear to me: The Netanyahu coalition no longer fits the needs of Israel after October 7. The world has changed—radically—since then, and the Israeli people are being stifled right now by a governing vision that is stuck in the past.”


Netanyahu responded to Schumer’s comments by labeling them as “totally inappropriate."

Despite these tensions, Schumer eventually signed the invitation for Netanyahu to address Congress, albeit with a delay, Breitbart reported.

Chuck Schumer trolled for alleged refusal to shake Benjamin Netanyahu's hand 

In March, Chuck Schumer delivered a speech on the Senate floor advocating for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's removal through new elections (X/@IsraeliPM)

Many people on social media mocked Chuck Schumer over his alleged assertion that he refused to shake Benjamin Netanyahu's hand during the latter's visit to Congress.

"Netanyahu walked past him like he wasn’t there, it was an intentional snub, on BiBis part and it was GLORIOUS!" one social media user posted on X.

"He's such a dishonest sleaze bag," another said.

"He’s afraid of his own base coming to get him," someone else quipped.

"The lies these politicians tell to try and win support deserve nothing but mockery," one comment read.

"They lie about everything. The little and the large. Why do we allow them so much political power?" another asked.






The address also sparked protests, with 23 individuals being arrested for demonstrating against Netanyahu’s visit. Some protesters engaged in acts of civil disobedience, such as tearing down and burning the American flag, which escalated tensions.

As of Thursday evening, at least 11 of those arrested had their misdemeanor charges dropped, and seven were released pending further court hearings, the Washington Examiner reported.

This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.

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