Trump defends his now-deleted ‘unified Reich’ post by blaming Democrats, Internet says ‘because he can’t and won’t apologize’

Trump defends his now-deleted ‘unified Reich’ post by blaming Democrats, Internet says ‘because he can’t and won’t apologize’
Donald Trump is under fire for defending his decision to post a 'unified Reich' video (Getty Images)

WASHINGTON, DC: Former President Donald Trump found himself embroiled in controversy yet again after defending his decision to post a 'Unified Reich' video on Truth Social, his social media platform.

The video, a mashup of MAGA-themed content, was deleted following widespread criticism accusing Trump of perpetuating Nazi rhetoric.


Donald Trump's history of inflammatory rhetoric

Throughout his political career, Trump has faced accusations of weaving Nazi rhetoric into his campaign messaging, including labeling opponents as "vermin" and making claims about migrants "poisoning the blood of our country".

The 'Unified Reich' video, with its unsettling echoes of historical connotations, further fueled these concerns.

Attempting to justify his actions, Trump pointed to a Newsmax segment where the headline in question was attributed to an old newspaper headlines template. However, critics were quick to point out that given Trump's history of controversial statements, he should have exercised caution and avoided using such inflammatory language.

In a characteristic move, Trump shifted blame onto Democrats, accusing them of spreading "misinformation".

He wrote in his post, "As usual, the Democrats have pushed Misinformation and failed. It's the only thing they are good at - everything else they are involved in is destroying America!"

Donald Trump took to Truth Social to defend his 'unified Reich' post (screenshot/TruthSocial)

However, critics argue that Trump's own rhetoric, including his continued use of language with Nazi undertones, undermines his attempts to deflect criticism.

Internet speculates on Donald Trump's allegiances

Social media was abuzz after Donald Trump deletes his 'unified Reich' video.

A user tweeted, "After releasing that video and his aligning with Project 2025, together they deliver a question, is he and his inner circle literally moving toward being a domestic enemy to the US Constitution and government. This touches upon the oath, against all enemies, foreign and domestic."


Another added, "Knew he would. He keeps wanting to remind us who he is. Pay attention, folks."

"Because he can't and won't apologize," a third said. 



"Reich" language is just a test to see how much fascism the public is ready to accept or ignore," read a tweet.


"Here is what he should do - say I made a mistake and I’m sorry. But he is incapable of accepting any responsibility, and apologizing," stated a user.


"The Trump campaign has successfully changed the discussion from “united reich” to “FBI trying to kill me.” As Steve Bannon says “flood the zone with bullshit,” tweeted a user.


This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.

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