'What a shame': Ty Cobb strikes a chord online as he rips Judge Aileen Cannon for indefinitely postponing Trump docs case

'What a shame': Ty Cobb strikes a chord online as he rips Judge Aileen Cannon for indefinitely postponing Trump docs case
Ty Cobb rips Donald Trump documents Judge Aileen Cannon (Getty Images/X/ Southern District of Florida)

WASHINTON, DC: Former President Donald Trump's White House attorney Ty Cobb lambasted federal Judge Aileen Cannon on Wednesday, May 22, for indefinitely postponing former President Trump's criminal classified documents case.

Cobb accused Judge Cannon of “incompetence” in an interview with CNN’s Erin Burnett. “I don’t think this case will move at all,” Cobb remarked.

“And I think the fact that she’s scheduling hearings, multiple hearings, sort of one or two motions at a time, is compelling evidence of that. Most federal judges would have long ago ruled on all the pending motions.”

Cobb's frustrations were clear as he emphasized the urgency of the matter. “Frankly, this is a case that should’ve started trial yesterday or two days ago when the original trial date was set,” he added. “This case could have easily gotten to trial. Only her incompetence and perceived bias have prevented that.”


Donald Trump's historic criminal trial

The case in question involves Trump’s alleged mishandling of classified documents after his presidency and obstruction of efforts to retrieve them. Judge Cannon, appointed by Trump and serving in the Southern District of Florida, has faced scrutiny for her repeated delays, making it increasingly unlikely that the trial will commence before the upcoming election.

Criticism has surged, particularly from Democrats arguing that Cannon’s actions shield Trump from legal consequences. If Trump were to be reelected, many speculate that the Justice Department would likely drop the case.

“Justice deferred is often justice denied,” Senator Chris Coons (D-Del.) stated earlier this month, reflecting widespread frustration. “It is profoundly frustrating that the judge is managing this case in a way that is making it highly unlikely that it will be resolved promptly.”

Cobb's comments followed Cannon's decision to drop a key trial deadline earlier this month, effectively stalling the case indefinitely. He asserted that the judge has “no intention of getting this case to trial,” highlighting the slow pace at which she has addressed motions, despite the case's significant implications for the 2024 election.

Criticism mounts over delays in Donald Trump's high-profile legal proceedings

A user tweeted, "So, Trump hid the Stormy story while creating phony stories about his opponents to influence the 2016 election by keeping info from voters... Now we're not getting the verdicts on cases that would influence this election... I see a pattern."


Another said, "Apparently if you are competent you can."


A third user said, "What a shame and she should be taken off the case." "Judge Aileen Cannon should be looking at a prison sentence. She is obstructing justice," read a tweet.



"She sure does come across as being locked into the crime family. In my 66 years, I have never seen our judicial system be this compromised," tweeted a user. "Oh, my friend, some people will certainly look at prison sentences. Spoiler alert though.... It won't be Judge Aileen Cannon," mocked a user.



A user remarked, "Correction, she is obstructing political lawfare and corruption from the highest levels."


This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.

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