Donald Trump garners support online as he praises overturn of Roe v Wade, suggests abortion should be decided by states

Donald Trump garners support online as he praises overturn of Roe v Wade, suggests abortion should be decided by states
Donald Trump speaks at the Faith & Freedom Coalition's Road to Majority Policy Conference in Washington, DC (Getty Images)

WASHINGTON, DC: Former president Donald Trump boasted about the "amazing" achievement of overturning Roe v Wade on Saturday, June 22, and told a predominantly evangelical audience that he supports the termination of pregnancy in certain cases.

The likely Republican presidential candidate expressed these views at the Faith and Freedom Coalition Conference in Washington DC, just two days before the anniversary of the Supreme Court decision that reversed Roe v Wade.

Donald Trump says right to abortion should be determined by individual states

“I want to thank the six Supreme Court justices — Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, John Roberts, Brett Kavanaugh, Neil Gorsuch, and Amy Coney Barrett — for the wisdom and the courage they showed on this long-term, very contentious issue. This has been a long time it’s been fought,” Donald Trump said.

“We did something that was amazing,” he added.

While commending the decision, Trump emphasized his belief that the right to abortion should be determined by individual states, the New York Post reported.

WASHINGTON, DC - JUNE 22: Former U.S. President Donald Trump walks off stage after speaking at the Faith & Freedom Coalition's Road to Majority Policy Conference at the Washington Hilton on June 22, 2024 in Washington, DC. The conservative Christian group is hosting a series of congressional members and political candidates to speak on the upcoming 2024 elections. (Photo by Samuel Corum/Getty Images)
President Donald Trump recently praised the overturn of Roe v Wade by the Supreme Court (Samuel Corum/Getty Images)

“The big problem was it was caught up in the federal government, but the people will decide, and that’s the way it should be. The people are now deciding. Some states are a little bit more conservative, and some states are much more liberal,” he continued. “Every voter has to go with your heart.”

The GOP frontrunner received enthusiastic applause throughout his speech until he expressed his belief in allowing abortion in cases of rape, incest, or to save the life of the mother.

Donald Trump says abortion should be allowed under specific conditions

Donald Trump has consistently claimed credit for the overturning of Roe v Wade on his campaign trail, yet has avoided discussing his stance on a national ban until a few weeks ago.

In April, he suggested on his Truth Social page that the conditions under which abortion could be allowed should vary by state.

WASHINGTON, DC - JUNE 22: Former U.S. President Donald Trump speaks at the Faith & Freedom Coalition's Road to Majority Policy Conference at the Washington Hilton on June 22, 2024 in Washington, DC. The conservative Christian group is hosting a series of congressional members and political candidates to speak on the upcoming 2024 elections. (Photo by Samuel Corum/Getty Images)
Donald Trump cautioned that abortion is a politically delicate issue for Republicans (Samuel Corum/Getty Images)

He has cautioned that abortion is a politically delicate issue for Republicans, noting that the party must secure election victories before advancing this contentious topic.

His recent statements against such a ban mark a notable shift from the stance of attendees at the Faith and Freedom Coalition Conference.

Numerous members of the evangelical movement, who form a crucial segment of his support base, anticipated stronger backing from him on the issue of abortion.

Internet backs Donald Trump's stance on abortion

After Donald Trump's remarks at the Faith & Freedom Coalition conference circulated online, social media users backed his stance on abortion.

One social media user said, "Yes, leave it to the States, which is where it is now."


Another added, "It’s not a federal issue because it’s not in the U.S. Constitution, so is a states issue."


One person wrote, "Leave it to the states."


"Ummm that was the point of ending roe vs wade- to leave it up to the states. Retards," another added.


This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.

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