Donald Trump’s attorneys slammed for labeling Barbara Jones’ report as ‘misleading and disingenuous’

Donald Trump’s attorneys under fire for labeling financial monitor Barbara Jones’ report as ‘misleading and disingenuous’
Donald Trump's legal team lashes out at financial monitor Barabara Jones after she released her report (Getty Images and Bracewell)

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK: Donald Trump’s legal team has come all out in bashing his court-appointed financial monitor Barbara Jones after she submitted a comprehensive report highlighting the deficiencies in his company’s financial information.

Jones, a former federal judge, was previously court-ordered to monitor the financial operations of the Trump Organization. On Friday, January 26, she shared her findings in a comprehensive letter to Judge Arthur Engoron where she noted the deficiencies she found in the finances of the company.

What did Barbara Jones find out?

Jones, in her letter, boldly stated, "I have identified certain deficiencies in the financial information that I have reviewed, including disclosures that are either incomplete, present results inconsistently, and/or contain errors,” per Meidas Touch Network.

In her report, Jones accused the Trump Organization of providing inconsistent information about its financial matters.

Moreover, in a footnote, she claimed that she identified a loan between the former President himself and an entity related to Trump Chicago Tower. It was revealed later that the loan did not even exist.

Jones added that she was told the loan was believed to be amounting to a total of $48 million, while there are no agreements related to this loan. It has been insinuated that the company evaded taxes by fabricating a large sum of loans.

Jones wrote in her report per CNBC, “However, in recent discussions with the Trump Organization, it indicated that it has determined that this loan never existed.”

Donald Trump’s lawyers fire back

After the tell-all report by Barbara Jones, Trump’s attorney Clifford Robert is now attacking the financial monitor with a lengthy letter of his own.

On Monday, January 29, Trump’s attorney Clifford Robert addressed a letter to Judge Engoron claiming Jones wrote the report so that she continues to “receive exorbitant fees” and to “fill the gaping hole in the Attorney General’s case, namely, that there is no basis to support continued oversight.”

Referring to the discrepancy regarding the loan, Robert called that “a demonstrable falsehood".

He further added, “The Trump entities of course never said the loan did not exist,” before adding, “Rather, they provided a copy of an internal memorandum reflecting simply that ‘no liabilities or obligations are outstanding’ under the loan at that time,” per CNBC.

Questioning Jones’ competency, Robert said, “The Monitor’s deliberate mischaracterization casts further doubt on her competency and veracity” and added that she “simply fails to support continued oversight.”

Terming the report to be “misleading and disingenuous”, Robert called Jones to be “self-serving” and remarked that the problems with the Trump Organization’s finances are “immaterial discrepancies and simple math errors".

The attorney further compared Jones with the misguided police inspector Javert from the musical ‘Les Misérables’ who relentlessly pursues the protagonist.

Robert wrote, “Further oversight is unwarranted and will only unjustly enrich the Monitor as she engages in some ‘Javert’ like quest against the Defendants.”

Another attorney of Trump, Christopher Kise called Jones’ report “truly a joke,’ and dismissed the discrepancies as merely mathematical errors. 

Kise added, “Indeed, it is shocking that President Trump has been forced to pay millions for a Monitor to prove what he has said from the outset, namely, there is no financial reporting misconduct, no fraud and simply no basis for this abusive process to continue.”

Trump's attorneys ended the letter by urging the judge to dismiss the financial monitor.

Internet slams Donald Trump and his legal team

Needless to say, social media users were not pleased with Donald Trump and his call for firing Barbara Jones as they took to social media to air their grievances.

One of the social media users said, "Oh, so just another normal day for him. Demanding the firing of someone who has pointed out his crimes."


Someone else pointed out, "‘Deficiencies’ and Trump are definitely two things that go hand in hand."


"Of course, it didn’t go the way he wanted it to so he had a tantrum!" remarked another user.


Someone else quizzed, "Does he have the power and authority to fire her?"


A user quipped, "Surprised he even has a financial monitor 😂."


"It’s never Trump’s fault. It’s always the people who discovered his misdeeds who are to blame. He’s gotten away with so much for so long, it’s Trump’s automatic response," remarked another user.


"He really really REALLY doesn't like women who hold power. And especially power over his life," said someone else.


Another social media user asked, "Don't his supporters notice a similarity in the plot over and over, where negative things are found, followed always by demands the person doing their job who found the negative things be fired?"


This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.

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