Fox News host Laura Ingraham defends Louisiana’s Ten Commandments mandate, Internet call her 'a sinner'

Fox News host Laura Ingraham defends Louisiana’s Ten Commandments mandate, Internet call her 'a sinner'
Laura Ingraham of Fox News defended Louisiana Governor Jeff Landry’s law mandating sisplay of the Ten Commandments in public schools (Getty Images)

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: Fox News host Laura Ingraham took aim at critics of Louisiana Governor Jeff Landry’s recent legislation mandating public schools to display the Ten Commandments, deriding what she termed a "liberal freakout."

During her show, Ingraham characterized the Ten Commandments as a pivotal "historical" document and dismissed concerns over its potential violation of the First Amendment.

Laura Ingraham mocks critics and defends the Ten Commandments mandate

In a sarcastic tone, she addressed objections raised by various media outlets, including CNN, which questioned the wisdom of enforcing a "moral agenda" in schools.

"Cue the liberal freakout," Ingraham remarked, referring to reactions to the new law.

"Yeah, let’s just push pot and transgenderism. That’s worked well," Ingraham quipped in response to criticisms aired on CNN about the law's implications for educational priorities.

(Fox News)

Prior to interviewing Louisiana State Rep Dodie Horton (R), a key proponent of the legislation, Ingraham attempted to underscore the secular significance of the Ten Commandments, emphasizing its role in shaping Western civilization and influencing America’s founding principles.

"Well, the historical significance of the Ten Commandments, of course, can’t be understated. They’ve been the guiding principles of Western civilization for thousands of years, and heavily influenced the Founding Fathers and the very documents that established our country," Ingraham stated.

Laura Ingraham defends cultural legacy of Ten Commandments mandate

Ingraham defended the new law, which mandates the display of the Ten Commandments in every Louisiana classroom starting January 1, as a reflection of the state’s cultural and historical roots.

"Which is why it makes sense that Louisiana governor just signed a new law requiring schools to display them in every classroom starting January 1st," she explained.


Ingraham also alluded to the country’s historical commitment to religious freedom while downplaying concerns about potential religious favoritism inherent in the legislation.

"Never mind that the Founding Fathers founded the country on not pushing any one religion on its citizens, or that the first Europeans fled their homes to seek religious freedom. That’s less historically significant, I guess," Ingraham remarked.

Reactions and criticisms highlight divisive views

Amidst the Ten Commandments controversy, online comments reflected a spectrum of opinions on Laura Ingraham’s stance.

One user wrote, "Why are Christians, like ingraham, so damn angry and judgmental?"

Another commented, "Like most Republicans, Ingraham has never read the very first clause of the very 1st Amendment."

One said, "Laura Ingraham is a sinner!"

One replied, "She bears lots of false witness."

One added, "Ingram says pot and transgenderism. Patriotic Americans call them Liberty and acceptance.Those on the right struggle so much with those concepts."

Another commented, "Well Laura.....the constitution doesn't say anything about pot or transgenderism BUT it does clearly call for separation of church and state. You're welcome!"

One replied, "Laura worships the Republican party. Laura is going to hell."

This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online

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