Gold Star mother 'disgusted' by Biden's claim that no troops died under his watch receives online support

'He’s done this his whole life': Gold Star mother 'disgusted' by Biden's claim that no troops died under his watch receives online support
Gold Star mother Kelly Barnett expressed her disappointment regarding Joe Biden's statement that no troops died under his administration (Fox News; Getty Images)

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK: During an interview on 'America Reports' on July 1, Kelly Barnett, a Gold Star mother whose son Staff Sgt Darin Taylor Hoover was one of the 13 US service members killed during the chaotic Afghanistan withdrawal in 2021, shared her disappointment and said she wasn't surprised by President Joe Biden's recent remarks.

During last week's presidential debate, Biden made an inaccurate statement claiming he is "the only president this century, this decade, that doesn't have any troops dying anywhere in the world," despite the deaths of 13 service members under his administration in August 2021.


Kelly Barnett says she was 'not shocked but angry' at Biden's denial 

American Gold Star Mothers, Inc. is a nonprofit organization comprised of American mothers who have lost their sons or daughters while they were serving in the United States Armed Forces.

Identifying herself as a Gold Star mother, Barnett expressed feeling "disgusted" by the president's denial. "I was not shocked. I was angry," she told host Sandra Smith.

Since Kelly Barnett's son, Darvin Hoover's death, President Biden has not contacted the family (Fox News)
Kelly Barnett's son, Staff Sgt Darin Taylor Hoover was among the 13 US service members who lost their lives during the turbulent Afghanistan withdrawal in 2021 (Fox News)

She added, "I believe in my soul [that] President Biden is gone. He can’t remember what he had for breakfast. I do believe he was told to say that. They want him out. I believe it was a set-up, and...however, far gone [he is] and even if I feel sorry for him, it’s still disgusting."

Barnett's son, Staff Sgt Darin Taylor Hoover was 31 and engaged to be married when he was killed during his third tour in Afghanistan.

Since her son's death, Barnett noted that President Biden has not personally contacted the family, aside from a formal letter sent by the White House several months later.

WASHINGTON, DC - NOVEMBER 06: U.S. President Joe Biden speaks during a press conference in the State
President Biden is seen at last week's presidential debate where he insisted that he 'he is the only president this century, this decade, that doesn't have any troops dying anywhere in the world' (Getty Images)

"We haven’t heard a word. Seven of the families, we’ve started a coalition, and we have begged. We have sent letters and emails, please talk to us. We want to talk to you. It has been refused and no word whatsoever," she told Smith.

Gold Star mom praises Trump's compassion after son's death

Barnett expressed that she wasn't surprised by Biden's false claim during the debate, seeing it as indicative of "how we’ve been treated this whole time." However, she praised Trump for personally reaching out to her.

She shared that former President Donald Trump contacted her family immediately after her son's death and invited them to Mar-a-Lago for a personal meeting.

Barnett fondly remembered spending "four wonderful hours" with Trump, honoring her late son.

"He cares about my son, he cares about our military," she said.

Staff Sgt. Darin Taylor Hoover was killed in action in Afghanistan on August 26, 2021. He is a Purple Heart recipient (Fox News)
Kelly Barnett's son Staff Sgt Darin Taylor Hoover was killed in action in Afghanistan on August 26, 2021 (Fox News)

However, Barnett expressed her desire for President Biden to remain in the presidential race, stressing the importance of holding him accountable for his decisions.

"He needs to stay in. I don’t think they will let him in some way, shape, or form, but he needs to stay in, and he needs to answer. The whole Biden administration needs to answer for what they’ve done," she said. "And I just hope that they continue and let him stay in and let Trump slide right through." 

"The whole Biden administration knows what they did wrong and what they continue to do to our families. Again, disgusting," she later added. 

During a dignified transfer ceremony for US service members killed in Afghanistan, Barnett's daughter spoke with Biden about his frequent watch-checking, though Barnett herself did not have a formal meeting with the president.

Social media rips into Biden's behavior 

Joe Biden's insensitivity towards Barnett led to severe criticism from viewers who even accused the president of having "a very dark soul." 

A viewer expressed, "They didn't die under his watch, because he wasn't watching. Bless our GS families. I am one."

In a similar fashion, another observer added, "The only thing he did under his watch is look at his watch." [sic]

Furthermore, a viewer pointed out, "She should be disgusted, Biden told a bold face lie to the American people during the debate, something the Democrats claim Trump did, and it was only one of many Biden told during that time. The lights are out with this guy....." [sic]

Joining the discussion, a follower shared, "He’s done this his whole life, stealing lines from others speeches. His cognitive decline did not include a way to put an end to his corruption and cheating ways." [sic]

A remark underscored, "Lets be honest. democrats dont care how many service members or cops die. they dont. they hate the nation and those that try and preserve it." [sic]

Similarly, another comment echoed, "16 Military personnel were killed under Joe Biden’s watch and he can’t even be bothered to mention their names. Countless civilians murdered under Joe Biden’s watch and he won’t mention their names either. Tens of thousands of Illegal Aliens crossing the border and he couldn’t care less. He has a very dark soul if he has one at all." [sic]

Delving deeper, an individual joked, "Well in Bidens defence, he was to busy looking at his watch when they arrived in caskets." [sic]

This article contains remarks made on the internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online. 

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