Mike Johnson lauded for prioritizing US border security over foreign aid despite Joe Biden's warning

'Great job': Mike Johnson lauded for prioritizing US border security over foreign aid despite Joe Biden's warning
President Joe Biden engaged in a high-stakes discussion with congressional leaders, including House Speaker Mike Johnson (US House, Getty Images)

WASHINGTON, DC: President Joe Biden engaged in a high-stakes discussion with congressional leaders on Tuesday, February 27, emphasizing the urgent need for an additional $60 billion in military aid for Ukraine. However, House Speaker Mike Johnson countered this plea, prioritizing the necessity of securing the US-Mexico border.

The meeting, which lasted about an hour and included leaders from both major parties, culminated in a private discussion between Biden and Johnson, marking a notable shift after weeks of Johnson's requests for one-on-one talks.

Johnson's Priority: America First

Speaking to reporters afterward, Johnson highlighted the significance of addressing America's domestic concerns, particularly the ongoing border crisis.

"I had a one-on-one for a period of time with the president, just he and I, in the Oval Office," Johnson said. “When I showed up today, my purpose was to express what I believe is the obvious truth. And that is that we must take care of America’s needs first. When you talk about America’s needs, you have to talk first about our open border."

Johnson added that “the catastrophe at the border is affecting everyone. And it is top of mind for all the American people for that reason” - as reflected in a recent Gallup poll where record-breaking illegal immigration ranked as the most pressing issue, surpassing economic concerns.


Regarding Ukraine spending, Johnson assured that the House is actively exploring various options and would address the matter in due course. He said, “I was very clear with the president and all those in the room that the House is actively pursuing and investigating all the various options on that, and we will address that in a timely manner."

“But again, the first priority of the country is our border and making sure it’s secure,” Johnson added. “I believe the president can [use] executive authority right now, today to change that. And I told him that again today in person, as I’ve said many times, publicly and privately over the last several weeks. It’s time for action. It is a catastrophe. It must stop.”

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer echoed the urgency of the situation, saying “the intensity in that room was surprising to me.” The New York Democrat underscored the imminent threat. “We made it clear to [Johnson] we can’t tarry or the war could be lost,” Schumer said.

Joe Biden's Remarks

The meeting also addressed the looming deadline to avert a partial government shutdown, with all parties expressing commitment to finding a solution. Biden stressed the importance of bipartisan cooperation in funding the government, acknowledging the potential economic repercussions of a shutdown.

“We’ve got a lot of work to do. We’ve gotta figure out how we’re going to keep funding the government, which is an important problem — an important solution we need to find. And I think we can do that,” the president said during introductory remarks.

During the discussion, Biden highlighted the dire consequences of inaction in Ukraine. “And Ukraine — I think the need is urgent. I hope we can speak to that a little bit. And I think the consequences of inaction in Ukraine are dire. I’ve been speaking to some of our G7 partners … they’re very concerned,” Biden said to the group.


“And also we need to, in terms of the supplemental, we need to deal with the Israeli portion. But that also contains a significant portion having to do with humanitarian assistance in the Palestinian areas,” he continued.

“We have to replenish the air defenses for Israel and we have to work on making sure they don’t face the threat from what’s going on in the Middle East, not just from Hamas but from Iran." 

“And the government funding — I’m sure you guys have all of that all taken care of. But all kidding aside … A shutdown would damage the economy significantly, and I think we all agree to that. And we need bipartisan solutions. So I want to hear from the group," Biden added.

Despite the pressing matters discussed, Johnson expressed confidence in preventing a government shutdown. “We’re going to work to prevent that,” the speaker said. “We’re going to prevent a government shutdown.”

However, Johnson's reluctance to prioritize the $60 billion aid for Ukraine reflects broader divisions within the House Republican caucus and underscores his call for clearer objectives in the conflict and stricter oversight from the Biden administration, per the New York Post.

Social Media Reactions

Meanwhile, social media buzzed with support for Johnson's stance, with many applauding him for prioritizing American interests and border security over foreign aid. 

"Hold the line Mike," one posted on X.

"Great job standing your ground, Mike. Make sure to remind him we don’t have a 53 states. Just 50," another wrote, referring to Taiwan, Israel, and Ukraine.

"Idk why Ukraine, Isreal, and Taiwan is even still on the table. We aren’t the world police. We have NATO, even though they are as useless as McConnell is," someone else chimed in.

"NO MORE MONEY TO ANY COUNTRY EXCEPT AMERICA!!! No more deals. Secure the friggin border!" another added.






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