'He can't hear': Seth Meyers gets roasted ahead of his 50th birthday in 'Amber Says What' segment

'He can't hear': Seth Meyers gets roasted ahead of his 50th birthday in 'Amber Says What' segment
Amber Ruffin hilariously roasts Seth Meyers ahead of his 50th birthday (Late Night with Seth Meyers)

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: Late-night television is renowned for its humor, wit, and often unpredictable moments.

Seth Meyers, the host of NBC's 'Late Night with Seth Meyers,' found himself at the center of a hilarious birthday segment recently, courtesy of the show's popular 'Amber Says What' sketch.

'Amber Says What' celebrates Seth Meyers' birthday in hilarious fashion

During a recent episode, the show's regular segment 'Amber Says What' took a cheeky dive into Seth Meyers' upcoming birthday celebration.

The comedic segment, spearheaded by Amber Ruffin, didn't miss the opportunity to poke fun at Meyers as he approaches the milestone of turning 50.


Ruffin, in her characteristic style, took the audience on a comedic journey, exclaiming, "Then I heard that it's Seth's birthday soon and I was like, what?"

The playful confusion continued as she reacted with exaggerated surprise upon learning that Meyers was about to hit the big 5-0. "Then I heard he was turning 50 and I was like... what?!" she quipped, followed by a punchline that left viewers chuckling: "Because I assume his hearing is starting to go."

'Amber Says What' tests Seth Meyers' hearing

The hilarity ensued as Ruffin jokingly attempted to test Meyers' hearing. Addressing Seth directly, she challenged, "Seth, if you can hear me, say Amber is the most beautiful and talented writer I ever met, and we should trade salaries."

The camera panned to Meyers, who swiftly responded with a deadpan, "I'm not saying that." Ruffin quickly retorted, "He can't hear," with perfect comic timing, leaving the audience in stitches.

The clever banter and quick wit displayed in this 'Amber Says What' segment not only entertained viewers but also showcased the camaraderie and humor shared among the show's team members.

Meyers' ability to play along with the light-hearted jabs and Ruffin's comedic timing added an extra layer of amusement to the segment, making it a memorable and enjoyable moment for the show's audience.

As Seth Meyers inches closer to the milestone of turning 50, it's clear that the laughter and good-natured ribbing are part of the celebration.

The 'Amber Says What' segment succeeded in adding a delightful touch of humor to the occasion, ensuring that Meyers' birthday will be remembered not just for the milestone but also for the laughter it inspired.

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