'He is WRONG': Ben Shapiro slammed as he says Biden will use 'Jan 6' and 'Trump' as debate strategies

'He is WRONG': Ben Shapiro slammed as he says Biden will use 'Jan 6' and 'Trump' as debate strategies
Ben Shapiro explained Joe Biden's and Donald Trump's debate strategies (Ben Shapiro/Getty)

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: In a recent analysis of the upcoming presidential debates, Ben Shapiro, editor emeritus of 'The Daily Wire', suggested that President Joe Biden's strategy will revolve around a repetitive mantra: "January 6" followed by "Trump." 

Shapiro's insights, shared on Fox News' 'Life, Liberty, and Levin' with host Mark Levin, shed light on Biden's perceived need to shift focus away from his record and onto his predecessor ahead of the election.

Biden's debate strategy: Banking on 'January 6' and 'Trump' to shift election focus

According to Shapiro, Biden's decision to engage in debates comes from a belief that constant repetition of "January 6" and "Trump" will secure him a victory.

Ben Shapiro (Fox News)

Shapiro articulated this on Fox News, stating, “[Biden] believes that if he just says ‘January 6’ then ‘Trump’ over and over and over, then he’s going to win. Presumably, that is why he is now acceding to a debate with Trump,” Shapiro said.

“He realizes that this election is a referendum on him. He’s hoping that if he can get Trump on stage, he can make the election a referendum on Donald Trump.”

Recent polling data paints a challenging picture for Biden, indicating a need for him to shake up the race to avoid defeat. Across key battleground states, Trump currently leads Biden by varying margins, highlighting the urgency for Biden to alter the trajectory of the campaign.


Shapiro's analysis: Biden's doubts and Trump's focus in the debate arena

Biden's concerns about his campaign's standing are echoed in his comments to Axios: “While the press doesn’t write about it, the momentum is clearly in our favor, with the polls moving towards us and away from Trump.”

He further expressed doubts about the reliability of polling methods in an interview with CNN, saying, “The polling data has been wrong all along. How many — you guys do a poll at CNN. How many folks you have to call to get one response?”

Shapiro identified Biden's reluctance to acknowledge his trailing position in polls as indicative of a campaign on the back foot. He described the president's trouble acknowledging his poor performance in numerous polls as “the mark of a losing campaign".

For Trump, Shapiro asserted, the primary objective in the debates should be to keep attention squarely on Biden's governance failures. By highlighting Biden's perceived shortcomings, Trump can position himself as the alternative, appealing to voters' concerns about the direction of the country under Biden's leadership.

Shapiro outlined this strategy, saying,"“If Donald Trump during those debates simply stands there and points physically at Joe Biden, Donald Trump will be president again."

“The reality is most Americans, most moderates care far less about the supposed threat of Donald Trump to the democracy. He was president before, he didn’t threaten democracy. He was actually pretty good at the job. [Americans] are much less worried about that than they are about Joe Biden wrecking the country day by day.”

Public reactions: mixed opinions on Shapiro's analysis and the debate outlook

Public reactions to Ben Shapiro's analysis of the upcoming debates showcase a diverse array of opinions. While some Twitter users expressed admiration for Shapiro's insights, other dubbed him "annoying".

One user wrote, "People like Dylan mulvaney more than you."


One said, "Ben Shapiro explaining.” Heh."


One user wrote, "He is WRONG! Not because his facts aren't correct, but because he doesn't have intuition."


Another added, "If they're very confident, it's because they plan to cheat."


One user said, "The debate has the potential to reveal fully Biden's senility and utter incompetence."


One replied, "That annoying voice bugs me all the time."


This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.

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