Internet agrees as Greg Gutfeld slams left-leaning media for peddling 'cheap fakes' hoax to protect President Joe Biden

Internet agrees as Greg Gutfeld slams left-leaning media for peddling 'cheap fakes' hoax to protect President Joe Biden
Greg Gutfeld criticized the left-leaning media for trying to cover up President Joe Biden's rapidly declining mental acuity (Fox News, Getty Images)

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK: Fox News host Greg Gutfeld pinpointed what he calls the media's latest hoax as he dismissed the narrative that videos showing President Joe Biden in a feeble state are "cheap fakes" on the Wednesday, June 19 episode of 'Gutfeld'. 

On June 17, the White House strongly criticized Republicans for circulating videos alleging Biden's physical cognitive decline, claiming that they were edited.  

During a press conference, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said, "It tells you everything that we need to know about how desperate Republicans are here," describing the videos, which show the president appearing unresponsive or wandering, as "cheap fakes." 


Greg Gutfeld says 'cheap fakes' narrative is a 'hoax hoax' to shield President Joe Biden

Gutfeld began his monologue saying, "Settle down, you animals. Welcome to the hoax hoax. Where in the run-up to the election our media circles the wagons around a dithering Joe Biden to convince us that what we see with our own eyes isn't real." 

With his characteristic blend of sarcasm and skepticism, he unveiled what he sees as a concerted effort to undermine public perception

"This year's hoax hoax even comes with a whole new buzz term 'cheap fake' - a word that allows left to confuse people with deep fake without actually lying. It's like when I say my pool boys are tied up at work. Thank you. Thank you, perverts," joked the Fox News host. 

"But it's now a phrase that in one day seems to be everywhere among the talking heads who impersonate journalists for a living," remarked Gutfeld, highlighting the rapid adoption of this narrative in mainstream media.

He quipped, "Not in a fun way like when I stole Brit Hume's identity to buy a HK on the DW and I already had my own. Roll it," seamlessly blending his personal experiences with the broader issue at hand.

(Fox News)
Greg Gutfeld argued that the left-leaning media utilized the 'cheap fakes' narrative to hide the truth that Joe Biden was unfit for office (Fox News/YouTube)

The host highlighted how on June 17 and June 18, MSNBC and CNN criticized right-wing media for seemingly using misleading videos of President Biden to question his fitness for office as Republicans defended the videos and vowed to continue sharing them.

Gutfeld mocked CBS for labeling a genuine Biden video as "digitally altered" and played videos of Biden stumbling and slurring on different occasions. 

The Fox News host blasted the left-leaning media for apparently spreading falsities about Donald Trump's "fine people" remark and the bleach-drinking suggestion.

Gutfeld remarked, "And now they want us to consider the context for their guy who's clearly unfit for office. What is the larger context for an old man who can't walk? Gravity?" labeling those who are spreading the narrative as "dementia-crats." 

Internet reacts as Greg Gutfeld blasts left-leaning media for peddling Joe Biden 'cheap fakes' narrative

Gutfeld's remarks on the Biden "cheap fakes" narrative led his viewers to share their perspectives on the subject. 

One expressed, "Cheap fakes = Painful truth," and another said, "If these videos are cheap fakes, why doesn't CNN and MSNBC show the unedited versions?"

A person pointed out, "If the videos are fake, where are the real ones for comparisons???" One more shared, "So now they are now complaining about exactly what they have been doing to President Trump for the last decade."

"Used to be the news told us what to talk about. Now the news is what the public is talking about. No more legacy media," remarked an individual. 

Another person echoed Gutfeld's views and wrote, "Why would anyone make a cheap fake? These clips cannot be made up. All we have to do is wait and they magically appear," while a follower elaborated, "Their favorite tool is gaslighting- and it works on an awful lot of people who are just casual onlookers..."

This article contains remarks made on the internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online. 

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