Internet delighted as John Mayer has Anderson Cooper and Andy Cohen in stiches in New Year's Eve broadcast

Internet delighted as John Mayer has Anderson Cooper and Andy Cohen in stiches in New Year's Eve broadcast
John Mayer injected riotous energy into CNN's New Year's Eve show at a Tokyo Cat Cafe, triggering uncontrollable laughter from hosts Anderson Cooper and Andy Cohen (CNN)

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: The internet erupted in laughter as John Mayer brought CNN's New Year's Eve show to a hilarious standstill, sending hosts Anderson Cooper and Andy Cohen into fits of uncontrollable giggles from a Cat Cafe in Tokyo.

Mayer's appearance injected a riotous energy into the broadcast, where cat inexplicably populated his side of the screen.

John Mayer's deadpan wit sparks hysteria among cooper and Cohen

The singer-songwriter, seated amidst the feline chaos, engaged the duo with his trademark deadpan humor, causing Cooper and Cohen to dissolve into laughter, struggling to maintain their composure and continue their conversation.


While Mayer didn't clarify the connection between alcohol and cats, it seemed irrelevant as the trio reveled in the whimsy of the moment.


Anderson Cooper's uncontainable amusement and the night's unforgettable hilarity

Anderson Cooper, known for his composed demeanor, found himself unable to contain his amusement, further fueled by what appeared to be a relaxed attitude toward imbibing on the typically sober CNN broadcast.

The lighthearted atmosphere, coupled with the unexpected hilarity of the cat-centric setting and Mayer's comic timing, created an unforgettable segment that captivated audiences.

The chemistry between the three men, combined with the liberal pouring of shots, contributed to a night of sheer amusement and delight for viewers.

The internet promptly erupted with joy, praising Mayer for his comedic prowess and reveling in the infectious laughter that ensued.

Social media was abuzz with clips of the segment, with many expressing delight at witnessing the hosts' uncontrolled fits of laughter.

In the end, it was evident that the impromptu visit to the Cat Cafe was a standout moment, redefining the typical New Year's Eve broadcast with its unexpected blend of humor and camaraderie.

The delightful chaos of cat antics, deadpan humor, and the hosts' infectious laughter created a memorable experience that resonated far beyond the confines of the broadcast, leaving a lasting mark on viewers as a highlight of the night.

Internet abuzz with laughter: overflowing praise for hysterically entertaining trio

The internet is ablaze with laughter and an outpouring of praise for the uproariously entertaining trio that took center stage during CNN's New Year's Eve show.

One user commented, "I love watching these two. They are hysterical."


One user wrote, "I laughed so hard I cried. That was hilarious. Anderson’s giggle is everything."

Another added, "Best thing I’ve watched all year!"

One replied, "So funny! How John Mayer kept such a straight face is beside me. These 3 are great together."

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