'He ain't wrong': Internet divided as Rand Paul says there is not ‘a lot of difference’ between Speaker Mike Johnson and Democrats

'He ain't wrong': Internet divided as Rand Paul says there is not ‘a lot of difference’ between Speaker Mike Johnson and Democrats
Rand Paul blasted Mike Johnson for his support to a government surveillance program (Getty Images, Facebook/Speaker Mike Johnson)

WASHINGTON, DC: Sen Rand Paul attacked House Speaker Mike Johnson for his recent support to a government surveillance program, claiming that the Speaker had 'completely changed' his conservative values since assuming the speakership, according to the New York Post.

Notably, in an appearance on Fox News' 'Sunday Morning Futures', Paul, who has seldom criticized Johnson, lambasted the Speaker and said that he might not be all that different from the Democrats.

Rand Paul sees no 'difference' between Speaker Johnson and Democrats

Paul said, "People have to be strong in their convictions. He was seen as a conservative before he came to the speakership. He’s completely changed and lost all his principles on the idea that we shouldn’t spy on Americans without a warrant."

He added, "Johnson hasn’t held his ground. He has power. He has a majority. Use the power of the purse, Speaker Johnson. Do something to make us think you are different than the Democrats, but so far, I don’t see a lot of difference."

(Speaker Mike Johnson/Facebook)
Speaker Mike Johnson has been criticized for supporting the government's surveillance program (Speaker Mike Johnson/Facebook)

Notably, last week, Johnson enraged conservative members of the Republican Party by forcing a bill through the House of Representatives that extended the two-year authorization of warrantless surveillance under Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.

Paul has always opposed various federal government surveillance schemes. The authorization granted under Section 702 was scheduled to expire on April 19.

WASHINGTON, DC - JANUARY 30: After Chief Justice John Roberts did not read his question aloud, Sen.
Rand Paul is against Americans being spied on 'by their own government' (Getty Images)

Paul answered the question of whether or not the government should be trusted with the surveillance authority, "Absolutely not. Americans shouldn’t be spied on by their own government."

He added, "The Fourth Amendment was put in by our founding fathers to protect us. FISA doesn’t obey the Fourth Amendment. Speaker Johnson was incredibly wrong."

Notably, the government is authorized under Section 702 to monitor foreign nationals who are thought to be outside of the United States specifically.

Moreover, right-wing opponents like Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.), who floated a resolution to remove Johnson from the chair in March, have gained confidence as a result of Johnson's actions.

Internet stays divided on Rand Paul's statement

People on the Internet had mixed reactions to Rand Paul's statement claiming that the Speaker had 'completely changed' his conservative values since assuming the speakership.

A user wrote on X, "He ain't wrong" whereas one added, "Not sure there is a difference between Republicans and Democrats."

A person also wrote, "As much as I may like Rand Paul on many domestic issues he’s a libertarian isolationist so I don’t take his foreign policy positions very seriously."




A person added, "I have the same doubt!" whereas one mentioned, "There’s a big difference. You will see it clearly if Jeffries ever becomes a speaker. I get the frustration though."



A user also wrote, "Why does Trump want to keep him? I don’t get it."


This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.

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