Internet fumes as Marjorie Taylor Greene reveals GOP Reps who voted against impeaching Alejandro Mayorkas

Internet fumes as Marjorie Taylor Greene reveals GOP Reps who voted against impeaching Alejandro Mayorkas
Marjorie Taylor Greene calls out fellow GOP representatives after failing to impeach Alejandro Mayorkas (Getty Images)

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK: The impeachment of Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas did not go through on account of four Republican congressmen voting against it in the House on February 6.

The slim majority that the GOP enjoys in Congress meant that it could only afford three votes against their proposal.

Following the incident, Georgia Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene has the internet riled up as she tweeted the names of the Republican House members who voted against the impeachment.

The tweet by Marjorie Taylor Greene

Taking to the social media platform X soon after the votes were counted, MTG wrote, "The 3 no votes against impeaching Mayorkas were: Mike Gallagher (WI-08) Tom McClintock (CA-05) Ken Buck (CO-04)".

"Blake Moore changed his vote no when asked by leadership for procedural reasons to make a motion to reconsider so that we can vote on impeachment again next week," she continued.

"We look forward to Leader Steve Scalise returning to vote yes and officially impeaching Secretary Mayorkas."


The failure of Greene's sustained efforts to get Mayorkas impeached marked an embarrassing setback for her, as well as for the GOP majority in the House.

Internet reacts to Marjorie Taylor Greene's tweet

Tempers ran high as netizens reacted to MTG's statement on X, as the following tweets demonstrate.

"This should be the end of Gallagher's, McClintock's and Buck's political careers," stated one user, with another writing, "Tell the RNC to cut off all funding for these three. 3️. NOW."




"NAME AND SHAME these Republican COWARDS," voiced a third, as a fourth user supported them saying, "These Reps should be removed from the GOP. They are worthless, and a hindrance to the goals of the republican party."




Another user expressed, "You all are pathetic. Arguably the most ineffective Congress in history."


"Majority Republicans in congress can’t lead. They’re only good at creating chaos," mocked a sixth.


"I'm really tired of the uniparty! It's all theatrics to string us along while the country falls," claimed a user, with another tweeting, "What a monumental waste of money and time… not a surprising outcome since corruption is rampant."




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