Internet slams Mitch McConnell as Fox News’ Laura Ingraham mocks him over Ukraine-border package deal

Internet slams Mitch McConnell as Fox News’ Laura Ingraham mocks him over Ukraine-border package deal
Laura Ingraham blasts Mitch McConnell on Senate Ukraine funding and border bill deal (@foxnews/YouTube, @mcconnellpress/Instagram)

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK: Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is set to confront a significant challenge this week as he endeavors to rally Senate Republicans to support a Ukraine funding and border security package, despite opposition from former President Donald Trump, who aims to thwart the initiative.

Following this news, Fox News anchor Laura Ingraham took to X, formerly known as Twitter to slam McConnell as many people on the internet also slammed the senator.

Laura Ingraham mocks Mitch McConnell for supporting Senate package deal

Fox News host Laura Ingraham took to X and wrote, “McConnell’s top priority is helping Biden and Hakeem Jeffries. That’s what he’s really doing here.”


Ingraham’s tweet featured an article from The Hill titled, “McConnell faces career-defining test in Trump battle over Ukraine, border.”

In the article, it was reported that Mitch McConnell will try to muster Senate Republicans to vote for Ukraine funding and border bill which Donald Trump wants to kill.

McConnell's primary objective, as indicated by Senate GOP colleagues, was to secure a border security agreement garnering the backing of at least half of his conference, which comprises 49 members.

The defense supplemental spending bill, encompassing border security provisions alongside funding for Ukraine, Israel, and Indo-Pacific security, is expected to garner less Republican support than initially anticipated.

Aides foresee between 12 and 20 Senate GOP votes for the bill, with the vote count likely fluctuating as lawmakers review the legislation, which was unveiled Sunday evening.

The 81-year-old Senate Republican leader faces considerable stakes, as he grapples with mounting pressure from Sen. Ted Cruz and other conservative critics to abandon the bill if it fails to secure more than 10 GOP votes.

However, if the legislation garners between 18 and 25 Senate Republican votes, it will intensify pressure on Speaker Mike Johnson to consider the bill in the House, notwithstanding his previous assertion that it would probably be "dead on arrival" in the lower chamber.

McConnell refrained from indicating last week whether he would support advancing a bill backed by only a minority of his conference and conceded uncertainty regarding the unfolding debate.

"It's certainly been a challenge," he acknowledged when questioned about linking Ukraine aid to border security reform. "But it's time for us to move something, hopefully including a border agreement. But we need to get help to Israel and to Ukraine quickly."

Senate Republicans note that McConnell has adopted a gentle approach in coaxing his GOP colleagues to back the bill, consistently underscoring the national security threats confronting the nation and highlighting Trump's prior plea to Congress to overhaul the asylum laws in 2018.

"It's really about reading the room and persuading where you can and listening where you can't. He's very good at all of that. His voice isn't as loud as it used to be. I think that's by his choice. I also think it's also reflective of the situation we're in right now. There are some people that feel … strongly about the different sides of this issue," remarked Sen Kevin Cramer.

Despite McConnell's efforts, he is facing scathing criticism from adversaries within the Republican conference, who are seizing on the issue to criticize his leadership.

Internet slam Mitch McConnell, says ‘he needs to retire’

Many X users blasted Mitch McConnell.

One person wrote, “It's time for Mitch to go on home to Kentucky and be put out to pasture,” and another said, “REPLACE MCCONNELL.”



An X user simply slammed McConnell, “McConnell needs to be retired,” and another wrote, “He’s lost that battle already.”



One more person called out the senator, “Even those close to McConnell know that he needs to step down as leader.  You know this by looking at who's around him when he speaks,” and another said, “Time for his removal!”



This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.

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