Internet slams Joe Biden after Fox News host Sean Hannity calls out POTUS' ‘failures’ to protect border

'It is espionage': Internet slams Joe Biden after Fox News host Sean Hannity calls out POTUS' ‘failures’ to protect border
Sean Hannity rips Joe Biden on his failure to protect border (Twitter/@seanhannity, Getty Images)

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK: During 'Hannity,' the host Sean Hannity highlighted the deterioration of the nation's border under President Joe Biden's policies, turning every state into what seems like a border state.

Hannity underscored the contrast between the current situation and the purportedly secure border inherited by Biden, asserting that his policies have failed and caused widespread havoc.

After delivering his monologue, Hannity turned to X, formerly known as Twitter, to share his perspective with his followers, attracting the attention of numerous individuals on the internet.

Sean Hannity rips Joe Biden on border crisis

Fox News host Sean Hannity took to X and wrote, “JOE'S DERELICTION OF DUTY! Biden Has Brought Chaos, Every State a Border State! [WATCH].”


Hannity’s tweet featured an article from his official website which reported the host ripping Joe Biden on his border deterioration.

He said, “Biden's border crisis: It is causing chaos across the entire country, including in the heart of New York City's Times Square, where a mob of illegal immigrants was caught in a very disturbing video, look at this, Saturday night beating up New York City police officers."

"You can see it right there. Four suspects. They were arrested. They were charged with assault, but according to sources, they were reportedly released back onto the streets without bail,” he added.

Hannity continued, “Of course, New York City is at New York State's no bail laws. You know, think about this for a second. No bail for a mob of people beating up cops."

"Also tonight, the New York Post is reporting that illegal immigrants are now forming pickpocketing crews in the Big Apple, causing new headaches for an already strained NYPD. They have more people leaving than they've ever had in history,” he further stated.

Hannity also said, “As we have been reporting on the show, the illegal immigrant crisis, it is no longer impacting just states along the border. Every state is now a border state. It has now reached every corner of our country. It is wreaking havoc on our biggest cities and even small towns and sadly, all of it was preventable.”

“This is all a direct result of Joe Biden's failures, his dereliction of duty, his unwillingness to enforce the law and uphold his oath to our Constitution,” he added.

Hannity went on to say, “Joe has worked to undo every single Trump-era policy that worked. And on Day One it was Biden who signed the Executive Orders that revoked Trump’s efforts…he strengthened DACA, canceled Trump’s interior enforcement rule, halted border wall construction, ended the Remain in Mexico policy, and let Title 42 expire —among other things!”

He concluded, “You’re the one that undid it, you’re the one that can fix it yourself — but he doesn’t want to do it. The terrorists are taking advantage of Joe’s open borders and there are terror cells likely in this country plotting, planning, scheming attacks against our homeland.”


Internet joins Sean Hannity and slammed Joe Biden

Many X users joined Sean Hannity and took a brutal jab at Joe Biden.

One person wrote, “It's not dereliction of duty. It is espionage,” and another said, “Biden and Mayorkas intentionally violated their oaths of office and are guilty of dereliction of duty.  They caused an invasion of our country.  Now look up the definition of TRAITOR.”



An X user simply called out Biden, “Worst POTUS in history...and it'll get worse, for him. Corruption, caught,” and another added, “Dementia Joe from day 1 is and was always way more worried about dissing Trump than doing what’s right for the American people. This is a great example.”



One more person slammed Biden, “Democrats don’t want border security… They’re sacrificing our national security for the hopes of future votes! 🤬🤬🤬🤬,” and another wrote, “Yes chaos reigns --everywhere --thanks Biden .!!!!!!!”




This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online. 

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