‘It’s propaganda all the time!’: Bill Maher guest Andrew Sullivan trashes MSNBC in spat with Ari Melber

‘It’s propaganda all the time!’: Bill Maher guest Andrew Sullivan trashes MSNBC in spat with Ari Melber
A fiery exchange unfolded on 'Real Time with Bill Maher' as MSNBC's Ari Melber clashed with guest Andrew Sullivan, who accused MSNBC of constant propaganda (Real Time with Bill Maher)

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: A heated exchange unfolded on HBO's 'Real Time with Bill Maher' as Ari Melber, MSNBC host, clashed with guest Andrew Sullivan. The dispute ignited when Sullivan accused MSNBC of consistently promoting "propaganda all the time."

The economic debate kicked off with Melber and Sullivan discussing a recent study attributing half of the US inflation to corporate greed, humorously dubbed "greedflation."

Melber advocates for competition, sullivan proposes cartel disruption

Melber emphasized the role of competition in lowering prices, while Sullivan suggested breaking up cartels if they were manipulating prices.

Sullivan emphasized that this shift jeopardizes the legitimacy of the political system.

The discussion then took a turn toward more personal territory as Maher questioned Sullivan about the Pope's recent declaration on sexual pleasure and pornography.

Sullivan defended the Pope's stance, noting that it aligns with Catholic doctrine, and amusingly recalled his own naivety regarding sexual matters in his youth.

Heated exchange on media bias: Melber and Sullivan clash over MSNBC's alleged propaganda

Switching gears to politics, Melber interjected, characterizing Sullivan's argument as "both sides-y." Sullivan took the remark positively, prompting Melber to counter with his perspective.

Rather than engaging with Melber's points, Sullivan accused MSNBC of being a constant purveyor of propaganda.

"You know what would be good at MSNBC? If you actually did think about both sides and weigh the arguments and make constructive arguments against that side while respecting them," Sullivan retorted. "You don't do that. It's propaganda all the time!"

Tension subsides: Maher's playful scolding ends heated exchange on media bias

Melber, quick to defend his show, reminded Sullivan of his diverse guest list, including Trump officials and allies. "What you just said described my show," asserted Melber. "I had Trump's lawyer on this week. I've had Steve Bannon on my show. I've had Trump White House officials."


Despite the tense exchange, the discussion concluded amicably, with Maher playfully scolding both guests, urging them to "be nice!"

The verbal sparring showcased the deep-seated ideological differences and accusations of bias that continue to characterize political discourse in the media landscape.

The conversation wrapped up with a brief discussion on Alec Baldwin and the legal fallout from the tragic on-set shooting. Melber provided a legal perspective, deeming the charges against Baldwin as overcharged and unlikely to apply to a non-famous citizen.

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