Jane Fonda warns about electing 'orange man' for second term, Internet retorts 'Hanoi Jane is still a dreary old communist'

Jane Fonda warns about electing 'orange man' for second term, Internet retorts 'Hanoi Jane is still a dreary old communist'
Jane Fonda spelled out the threat of electing the 'orange man' in November (Getty Images)

WASHINGTON, DC: Climate activist and renowned actor Jane Fonda has declared the upcoming November election an “existential” choice for the future of the nation, throwing her support behind President Joe Biden.

The popular 'Grace and Frankie' star did not mince words about her concerns if the “orange man,” a term presumably meant for Donald Trump, were to be elected.

Jane Fonda spells out threat of electing 'orange man'

“Who wins in November is going to determine whether we have a livable future. It’s as simple as that, and there’s a very stark choice,” Fonda stated. “It’s not that I’m 100% happy with President Biden, but he’s someone that we can work with, that American people can work with.”

Jane Fonda attends the Los Angeles Special FYC Event For Netflix's
Jane Fonda has thrown her support behind President Joe Biden (Getty Images)

The veteran activist has taken a rare step in actively campaigning for a presidential candidate. She stressed the urgency of the situation, saying, “Because I think that this election is so important, it’s existential, I decided that I was going to throw in with the campaign,” reported Huff Post.

She pointed to reports suggesting that the nominee has solicited $1 billion in donations from oil industry executives in exchange for regulatory favors. “And that’s why I really want to elect Joe Biden, because we’re running out of time,” Fonda emphasized. “I have grandchildren. I won’t be around to see the worst of it. But we have to confront the climate crisis, and we have to do it fast.”

Joe Biden (Getty Images)
Jane Fonda claimed Joe Biden is someone 'American people can work with' (Getty Images)

Fonda’s commitment to activism is well-documented, with decades of involvement in feminist, civil rights, and anti-war causes. More recently, she has been a vocal advocate for climate action, even spending her 82nd birthday in jail after being arrested at a climate protest in Washington, DC in 2019.

Jane Fonda faces backlash online for Biden endorsement

After publicly endorsing President Biden, Fonda has found herself the target of harsh criticism on social media.

A user tweeted, "That communist drag witch is hilarious."

Another added, "Thought Hanoi Jane had already left for Canaduh after Reagan was elected?"

A third said, "Hanoi Jane still a dreary old communist."

"She’s been on the wrong side of history her whole life," read a tweet.

"Says the communist sympathizer," added another.






This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.

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