Jerry Seinfeld trolled for saying he misses 'dominant masculinity' as he calls Hugh Grant a 'real man'

Jerry Seinfeld trolled for saying he misses 'dominant masculinity' as he calls Hugh Grant a 'real man'
Jerry Seinfeld called Hugh Grant a 'real man' (Getty Images)

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: Jerry Seinfeld has offended a sizable portion of the internet community by declaring on a podcast that he misses "dominant masculinity" and calling Hugh Grant the epitome of "a real man".

In a recent interview on The Free Press' 'Honestly With Bari Weiss', the 70-year-old creator of 'Seinfeld' talked about his latest Netflix Pop-Tart movie, 'Unfrosted', and how the film's 1960s setting delighted him.

The comedian eventually took things seriously as he joked about never being "a real man" and never being able to live up to expectations.


Jerry Seinfeld shares his views on what it means to be a 'real man'

Born in 1954, Seinfeld — who also stars in the movie — remarked that the film evoked strong feelings of nostalgia for his early years and the world as he then perceived it.

His remarks were made in response to host Weiss' statement that she felt there was a "conversation" and "no common culture" in the modern world.

The comedian remarked, "There's another element there that I think is the key element, and that is an agreed upon hierarchy, which I think is absolutely vaporized in today's moment."

"We have no sense of hierarchy. And as humans, we don’t really feel comfortable like that. So, that is part of what makes that moment attractive, looking back," he added, per Entertainment Tonight.


The 70-year-old said, "And the other thing is, as a man — I’ve always wanted to be a real man. I’ve never made it," adding that his "childish pursuit" of comedy stopped him.

The 'Seinfeld' actor revealed that as a child, he aspired to be like Howard Cosell, Muhammad Ali, Sean Connery, and former President John F Kennedy - all of whom he saw as "real" men.

Seinfeld said, "I mean, you don't want to grow up, as a comedian, because it’s a childish pursuit. But I miss a dominant masculinity. Yeah, I get the toxic thing, I get it. But still, I like a real man."

Jerry Seinfeld calls co-star Hugh Grant a 'real man'

In addition, Seinfeld praised Hugh Grant, who features in his upcoming film 'Unfrosted', saying that he is the epitome of a "real man."

Seinfeld said, "That's why I love Hugh Grant. Because he felt like one of those guys I wanted to be."

"He knows how to dress, he knows how to talk, he's charming, he has stories, he's comfortable at dinner parties, he knows how to get a drink … I love those movements of style," he added.

Hugh Grant of
Jerry Seinfeld calls Hugh Grant as 'real man' (Getty Images)

Jerry Seinfeld's 'dominant masculinity' remarks anger netizens

Social media users were enraged over Seinfeld's remarks as one X user slammed the actor and said, "Literally nobody on the f***ing planet thinks of masculinity and then imagines Jerry Seinfeld. Julia Louis Dreyfus is a more manly man than Jerry is."

A second one added, "Nothing says frail male ego like talking about “dominant masculinity” this way".

"Real men don’t feel the need to be dominant or say things like this. They are secure in their masculinity," remarked another one.

One said, "This man’s greatest successes were being a bee and being a beta male. He is the last man on earth who can preach on masculinity."

Another snarked, "The guy was never “a dominant masculine” though. “I don’t want to be a cowboy!” Much of his humor was in making fun of the overly masculine."






Other Facebook users continued the online criticism as one commented, "He’s not dominant and never was."

Another added, "Well he has to do something to stay relevant," while one noted, "When I think of a dominant masculinity Jerry is not the vision that comes to mind"

"When I think of Jerry Seinfeld the last thing that comes to mind is masculinity!" exclaimed one.

Another mocked, "Ah, yes. Jerry Seinfeld. Definitely who I think of when I’m thinking about “dominant masculinity”."

This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.

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