Joe Biden shredded as 17 state AGs sue his admin after foreign farm workers are allowed to unionize

'Biden the dictator!' POTUS slammed as 17 state AGs sue his admin after foreign farm workers are allowed to unionize
A total of 17 state AGs sued the Biden admin for allowing foreign farmworkers to form a union (Getty Images)

WASHINGTON, DC: Under the leadership of Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach, a coalition of 17 state attorneys general filed a lawsuit against the Biden administration this week regarding a regulation that grants temporary farm workers in the United States on H-2A visas the right to unionize, according to the New York Post.

Notably, collective bargaining is prohibited for American agricultural laborers by federal law. Kobach said in a statement, "Once again, Joe Biden is putting America last. He’s giving political benefits to foreign workers while American workers struggle in Biden’s horrible economy. I stand with American workers."

17 state attorneys general launch lawsuit against Biden administration

The complaint, filed on June 10 in the Southern District Court of Georgia, argues that only Congress can amend the National Labor Relations Act. It claims that the US Department of Labor's new regulation is simply a rewording of the original legislation.

According to Kobach, the new law would provide a large number of temporary foreign migrant farmworkers the ability to form a union, in contrast to millions of American farmworkers, therefore favoring the foreign workers over the American workers.

(Getty Images)
Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach remarked that once again, America was being put last by Joe Biden (Getty Images)

As per the complaint, the US Department of Labor believes that it is authorized to implement this new regulation by the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA).

However, state attorneys general have a different viewpoint. They argue that it prevents the government from offering H-2A visa holders superior working circumstances compared to those of American workers.

The complaint reads, "The final rule goes above and beyond to provide… rights to H-2A workers. These are rights American farmworkers explicitly do not have under federal law."

(Getty Images)
Social media criticized Joe Biden as 17 state attorneys general launched a lawsuit against his administration (IRCA) (Getty Images)

It added, "The final rule is simply a backdoor so that the agency can achieve a policy goal that requires legislation that it cannot convince Congress to pass."

In addition to attorneys general from Kansas, Georgia, South Carolina, Arkansas, Florida, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Louisiana, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia, the lawsuit involves two private agricultural organizations.

Internet slams Joe Biden as 17 state AGs launch lawsuit against his administration

People on the internet took jibes at Joe Biden as 7 state AGs launched a lawsuit against his administration over a regulation that gives temporary farm workers in the nation on H-2A visas the ability to form a union.

A user wrote on X, "Biden the dictator! Once again he feels above the law!" while one added, "Wants them to vote as well. Actual Americans are losing their country."



Some online comments stated, "This is the entire Democratic Party doing its dirty work through Biden. They all need to go" and "Another insane application of a law that was outrageous to begin with."

A person added, "It would be very therapeutic for Biden to just come out of the closet and declare: 'I hate Americans!!!'"

This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.

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