'We do not care': Internet slams Kamala Harris as she admits to using more curse words since becoming VP

'We do not care': Internet slams Kamala Harris as she admits to using more curse words since becoming VP
VP Kamala Harris stated that she has ramped up her use of curse words since taking office (Getty Images)

WASHINGTON, DC: Vice President Kamala Harris opened up about using more curse words since taking office in 2021 during a wide-ranging interview with Rolling Stone, published on Tuesday, June 11.

During the interview with Alex Morris, Harris used the f-bomb while discussing the abortion cases before the Supreme Court and the battle against the status quo in the United States.

Morris also brought up Harris's use of cursing during her speech at the annual Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies Legislative Leadership summit last month.

Harris had said, "We have to know that sometimes people will open the door for you and leave it open. Sometimes they won’t, and then you need to kick that f**king door down."

She broke into a laugh immediately, adding, "Excuse my language."


The discussion on Kamala Harris' use of curse words

The subject of curse words was brought up during the interview for Rolling Stone when Harris told Morris, "My work has almost always been fueled by challenging the premise and not accepting tradition," and the latter replied, "As you said a few days ago at a legislative summit, you kicked the f**king door down, right?"

"What have I done differently since I’ve been in this office? I curse more!" Harris remarked while laughing, before elaborating, "Although, kind of. I don’t know. It’s not a new language to me, and I think when one speaks the language, one should get the pronunciation down. My pronunciation is very good, thank you very much!"

Kamala Harris uses the f-word during the interview

Sharing her take on challenging the status quo, Harris said, "When people hear 'status quo,’ they think, ‘Oh, static.’ But let me tell you — and it’s a learned experience for me — the status quo is anything but static. The status quo is quite dynamic. You start trying to change the status quo, you f**k with the status quo, it will fight you."

The Vice President also used the f-bomb while discussing with Morris a Supreme Court case concerning whether state abortion restrictions are invalidated by federal law.

The interviewer wrote of Harris, "She had anticipated, she went on to explain, the many legal battles and unintended consequences the fall of Roe would have. And she’d envisioned how those consequences would play out, not just for women having miscarriages or dangerous pregnancy complications, but also for the health care providers trying to care for them."

"'It’s f**ked up,' she said, dropping her voice at the word 'f**ked,'" Morris wrote in his piece.


Netizens troll Kamala Harris as she opens up about cursing

"We do not care. This doesn’t make her cool and relatable," a user wrote on the social media platform X in response to the coverage of the story by Fox News.


"Using profanity is so classy," commented another sarcastically, accompanied by a facepalm emoji.


"I curse a lot more now that @KamalaHarris is VP. Hmmm," jibed a user.


"I would too if Joe was my boss," quipped another user.


"She's just trashy," slammed a person.


This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.

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