'This is just sad': Mark Levin finds support online as he accuses Joe Biden of 'destroying our republic'

'This is just sad': Mark Levin finds support online as he accuses Joe Biden of 'destroying our republic'
'Life, Liberty & Levin' host Mark Levin criticized President Joe Biden's approach to leadership on his show (@foxnews/YouTube, @potus/Instagram)

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK: During his monologue on the June 23 episode of 'Life, Liberty & Levin', host Mark Levin did not mince words when discussing President Joe Biden's approach to leadership accusing him of 'destroying republic'.

Levin has long been critical of Biden, thus, setting the tone for a critique that delved deeper into Biden's perceived flaws, Levin said, "We've explained on this program that Joe Biden is a pathological liar. That is not hard to see."


Mark Levin condemns Joe Biden's leadership and alleged 'god complex'

Levin continued, "We've also explained on this program that he is in the fifth stage of seven stages of dementia. That is not hard to see despite the best efforts of the propaganda that mediate to cover up for him."

"But there is a third problem with Joe Biden: he has a God complex," Levin declared. "He's going to save democracy from Donald Trump."

Drawing parallels to Biden's past rhetoric, Levin recalled, "He used to say he's going to save America from Ronald Reagan," citing historical references to illustrate Biden's longstanding ambition to position himself as a savior figure in American politics.

Mark Levin read out Ronald Reagan’s diary about Joe Biden (Fox News)
Mark Levin read out Ronald Reagan’s diary about Joe Biden (Fox News)

Levin criticized Biden's approach, labeling him as a "pure demagogue" who manipulates public sentiment for his political gain. "He's out to save America from Donald Trump as he's always out to save America," Levin remarked, emphasizing Biden's consistent narrative of being the nation's protector against perceived threats.

Recently, CNN reported that Biden addressed the nation from the Oval Office, justifying the US commitment of $100 billion to aid Israel and Ukraine, portraying their conflicts as critical to American security.

However, his speech's deeper focus was on America's internal challenges and threats to its foundational values in a tumultuous political era.

Mark Levin advocates defeating Joe Biden as remedy amid shifts in immigration policy

In other news, President Joe Biden recently made significant moves on immigration policy, broadening legal protections for spouses of American citizens while concurrently implementing stricter measures to close the border to most asylum seekers entering the United States- all under the idea of saving America, as per the Deccan Herald.

However, Levin asserted, "The best way to save America is to defeat him," pivoting to his solution-oriented approach amid concerns over Biden's leadership style.

WASHINGTON, DC - NOVEMBER 06: U.S. President Joe Biden speaks during a press conference in the State
Mark Levin accused Joe Biden of fear-mongering without substantive evidence to support such claims (Getty Images)

Levin also challenged Biden's understanding of democracy, arguing, "We have never had democracy in America. I do not mean to complicate things. I understand Joe Biden has not really tried to speak to people who understand he started to whip people up."

Highlighting Biden's tendency to exaggerate threats, Levin pointed out, "He warns people Donald Trump is going to be a dictator on the first day," accusing Biden of fear-mongering without substantive evidence to support such claims.

Levin concluded his monologue with a damning assessment: "It is Joe Biden who is destroying our republic."

Viewers united in support of Mark Levin as he lambasted Joe Biden

Netizens rallied behind Mark Levin as he criticized Biden, accusing him of "destroying the republic."

One viewer expressed, "More than tyrannical he’s plain evil."

Another viewer shared, "This current president is tearing apart everything this country was built on!"

One viewer pointed out, "One thing I do know that saving America will not be done by Joe Biden."

A follower observed, "Mark Levin tells it like it is."

One comment stated, "Thank you, Mr. Levin. You took the words right out of my mouth."

Another comment read, "This is just sad..."

"Thanks Mark Levin, you bring it out like no other," explained an individual

This article contains remarks made on the internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online. 

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