Mark Levin says election process is 'criminalized', calls for BDS movement against universities, colleges

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK: In a recent monologue on 'Hannity', conservative commentator Mark Levin unleashed a scathing critique of President Joe Biden's handling of protests on the US college campuses.
Levin's words were also a direct hit at the state of academia, and the legal challenges surrounding the 2020 election.
Mark Levin accuses Joe Biden of antisemitism
As per Real Clear Politics, the host of 'Life, Liberty & Levin' stated, "Joe Biden had gaslit this entire thing with his comments about Israel, his attacks on Bibi Netanyahu, his attacks on Israel trying to defend itself against Gaza and all the rest. Joe Biden was responsible for much of the hate, and that's why he didn't stand up like a man, like a statesman and put it down and say it in unequivocal terms."
"This hadn't been about Palestine. This had been about terrorism on our college campuses," he added.
"Joe Biden had been on the wrong side, whether it was race and bigotry when he walked into the Senate, and now, it's antisemitism. He's the antisemite president, that's what he is, the Third Reich in the Ivory Tower," said Levin, portraying Biden as a symbol of institutionalized discrimination.

"It had been written about, the Third Reich in the Ivory Tower, Hitler's American friends, it had been written about, buried by 'The Times', the American media, they had all been back," he informed.
Moving on, he characterized the Democratic Party and academia as fostering extremist ideologies, saying, "The Democrat Party, the Hitler youth on our campuses and let me make a suggestion America, aren't you sick of paying for this?"
Mark Levin calls for BDS movement against academia
Levin then called for a Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement against universities and colleges reflecting, "We need a BDS movement, a boycott, divest and sanction movement for all of these universities and colleges, start defunding them, start defunding them, start eliminating tenure for these sanctimonious Marxist, Islamist professors."
He tied the perceived ideological bias in academia to political affiliations, framing it as a partisan issue and transitioned to the legal challenges surrounding the 2020 election.
"Let me explain something. Since the beginning of this country, since elections, we have never had a situation where elections have been criminalized by the government," he claimed.

"A president or a candidate calling a speaker of the House, calling a board of elections official, calling a governor, so what? Big deal. They're allowed to do that, that's not obstruction, that's not a crime either," he added.
He continued, "These challenges happen all the time, and yes, even when John Eastman said to Vice President Pence, we recommend that you don't do this, that you do that, that's not a crime either."