'More lies': Netizens side with Stephen Colbert as he mocks Trump for repeating false election claims

'More lies': Netizens side with Stephen Colbert as he mocks Trump for repeating false election claims
Stephen Colbert mocked Donald Trump for placing a strange new twist on his false claims about the 2020 election (@ColbertLateShow/Youtube)

MANHATTAN, NEW YORK CITY: Stephen Colbert took aim at Donald Trump's latest peculiar rendition of his debunked assertions surrounding the 2020 election.

Trump, while in Wisconsin, a state he lost to President Joe Biden by approximately 20,000 votes, boldly proclaimed, "We won this state, we won this state by a lot."


Colbert mocks Trump's election claims says 'a lot of dumps happened'

Colbert wryly commented, "Pretty bold to go to a state you lost and tell the crowd you actually won. That’s like bumping into your ex and saying, ‘Amanda, hi, you look well which of course I know because it came out that we’re still together. We’re still together by a lot'".

Trump's narrative took an even stranger turn when the host reminded the audience about "one of his (Trump's) favorite madeup stories about election night".

Donald Trump says in a clip, "Remember at 10:00 everyone's calling me they're saying congratulations sir and then at 3:02 in the morning lot of dumps happened" in the night as Wisconsin officials tallied votes.

“Yes, a lot of dumps,” Colbert deadpanned as his audience laughed. “So just a regular night for Donald Trump
“Yes, a lot of dumps,” Colbert deadpanned as his audience laughed. “So just a regular night for Donald Trump". (@ColbertLateShow/Youtube)

Colbert, deadpan as ever, quipped, "Yes, a lot of dumps. So just a regular night for Donald Trump", eliciting laughter from his audience.

Trump and his supporters have previously attempted to propagate conspiracy theories about vote counting processes, attributing his loss to "dumps" of illegitimate votes. However, these claims lack evidence and have been consistently debunked.

Social media roars with laughter over Colbert's Trump jabs

Netizens were in stitches over Colbert's remarks, with users flooding timelines with hilarious responses and clever quips.

One person hilariously wrote, "Everytime i hear trump talk my brain cells line up on a cliff and jumping off one by one. I really miss how Obama talks and act especially on the international stage".


"Comedy reveals truths that while laughing awakens the true idiocy of DT. Thank you Mr Colbert!" praised one viewer.


"Repeating that phrase to his supporters is normalizing his extremist supporters to violence. That is bad and should not be allowed under the law," voiced one viewer. 


"Lies, lies, and more lies . . . And his followers just don’t care . . . . . This is just not normal," said one more viewer. 


"A total embarassment to presidency....DJT...!!!!!" another person noted.


"When Trump has dumps, massive dumps, it takes 10 to 15 flushes to get rid of those documents," another comment read. 

This article contains remarks made on the internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online

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