Natalie Portman reveals on ‘Late Night with Seth Meyers’ how she accidentally texted a legendary actress with holiday invite

Natalie Portman reveals on ‘Late Night with Seth Meyers’ how she accidentally texted a legendary actress with holiday invite
Natalie Portman joined Seth Meyers on his late-night show where she revealed a humorous holiday mix-up (Late Night with Seth Meyers/YouTube)

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: Late-night audiences were treated to a hilarious tale from Hollywood star Natalie Portman as she joined Seth Meyers on his acclaimed late-night show 'Late Night with Seth Meyers '.

The renowned actress, recognized for her poise and talent, revealed a comical holiday mishap that involved an unexpected text message mix-up with none other than the legendary Meryl Streep.

Natalie Portman's festive revelations

Setting the scene for the amusing anecdote, Meyers playfully queried, "It's the holidays. Do you have holiday plans? Things you're going to do?"

The conversation took a jovial turn as Portman jovially shared her Hanukkah festivities.

"Well, we had Hanukkah already, right? Of course, that was great. Lots and lots of latkes and jelly doughnuts were eaten," chuckled Portman, warming up the audience with her holiday cheer.

Natalie Portman's amusing holiday mix-up

However, the true hilarity unfolded as Portman dived into an odd holiday experience she encountered this year.

"I had a weird, like, Jewish holiday thing this year," she began. Detailing the scenario, she explained, "My cousin Meryl moved from New York to LA last year, and she's an incredible illustrator. She moved out with her husband."

"So, we've been inviting them to all our Jewish holidays and everything. And then, the last three holidays, she, like, didn't reply. And I was like, 'Did I do something to offend her? Did I hurt her feelings? Is she holding a grudge?'"

Expressing concern over her cousin's silence, Portman further said, "I knew she's totally not that type of person. So, I was just going to text her and be, like, 'Hey, you know we're having Yom Kippur breakfast. Come over!' So, I looked when I went to text her, and I realized I had two Meryls in my phonebook! And I'd been texting Meryl Streep!"

The audience erupted into laughter as Portman humorously re-enacted her moment of realization, mimicking her reaction with mock dismay. "Oh no, oh no," she mock-groaned, recounting her discovery. "So, of course, I called and explained everything."

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However, the story wasn't over yet. Portman, beaming with pride, pulled out a drawing her cousin Meryl had made for her. "Check this out," she said, showcasing the artwork. "She's an incredible illustrator!"

Meyers said, “This is really fantastic. I'll let you read it for everyone."

Natalie quipped, "She wrote, 'Natalie maybe you be inscribed in the book of life and stop texting me. So thank you, both Meryls for understanding."

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