'New level of MAGA insanity': Desi Lydic's jokes about Trump assassination plot leaves Internet in stitches

'New level of MAGA insanity': Desi Lydic's jokes about Trump assassination plot leaves Internet in stitches
Desi Lydic cheekily played into Donald Trump’s assertion of 2022 raid on his Mar-a-Lago estate (The Daily Show; Getty Images)

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK: In a humorous digital segment, 'The Daily Show' correspondent Desi Lydic addressed Donald Trump's claim that the 2022 FBI raid on his Mar-a-Lago estate was actually a government-sanctioned assassination attempt on the former president.

Lydic playfully mocked Trump's assertion by creating new nicknames for President Biden, such as 'John Wilkes Biden' and 'Double Joe Seven'.


Desi Lydic skewers Trump's 'assassination plot' claims with humor

Lydic broke down Biden's alleged "assassination plot" in a lighthearted manner, translating the complex political situation into more relatable terms for viewers.

By poking fun at Trump's conspiracy theories and the GOP's inconsistent messaging regarding Biden's competence, Lydic highlighted the absurdity of the situation while providing commentary on the current political climate.

(The Daily Show)
Desi Lydic Foxsplains how the FBI's raid of Mar-a-Lago was really a plot to assassinate Trump (The Daily Show)

“John Wilkes Biden approved a raid on Mar-a-Lago where FBI agents were authorized to use deadly force,” she explained.

Lydic added, “The FBI was 100% out for blood — and if Trump wasn’t 100% 1,200 miles away in a different state, they would’ve gotten it. Nice try 00-Biden, or is it Double Joe Seven?”


“The FBI said this is ‘standard protocol,’” Lydic continued.

She then brought far-right Georgia representative Marjorie Taylor Greene into things, saying, “Who are you going to believe, the FBI or the chairwoman of the House CrossFit Committee?”

Desi Lydic tags Joe Biden as 'a senile old fool'

Earlier this week, the Republican Party publicly suggested that the 2022 FBI search of Mar-a-Lago was actually orchestrated by President Biden.

However, this allegation has since been debunked.

On the show, correspondent Lydic sarcastically refuted the conspiracy theory, stating, "Don't get it twisted. Biden was locked and loaded with a custom glizzy [slang for gun] ready to pop a hot one in Trump's fat dome."

(Getty Images)
Desi Lydic pointed out Trump supporters'ability to portray Biden as both incompetent and dangerously competent (Getty Images)

She continued, "And it all went through the FBI: The Federal Biden of I-ssassination."

Lydic concluded her bit by highlighting the ability of Trump supporters to portray Biden as both incompetent and dangerously competent. "Joe Biden is a senile old fool — who also masterminded an elaborate multi-agency assassination plot," the comedian joked.

"The man is incompetent, and also dangerously competent."Lydic's commentary follows a similar mocking of the political conspiracy theory by guest host Michael Kosta on the May 22 episode of the show.

Desi Lydic's hilarious takedown sparks laughter

Lydic’s commentary on Trump's bizzare claim on Mar-a-Lago raid drew the online community to throw humour at the 'insanity'. 

One viewer expressed, "Well, that is a whole new level of MAGA insanity."

(The Daily Show)
(The Daily Show)
(The Daily Show)
(The Daily Show)

Another viewer shared, "Insane! These people are insane."

One viewer pointed out, "There was an assassination attempt against Donald Trump. Someone sent Trump a bucket of KFC, but glued the lid on top, so it could not be opened. Trump almost died trying to eat through the side of the bucket."

(The Daily Show)
(The Daily Show)

A follower observed, "Just when you think the stupidity couldn't get anything greater, the GOP continues to break new ground."

One comment stated, "MAGA will not think this Desi rant is satire. SAD."

(The Daily Show)
(The Daily Show)

Another comment read, "The MAGAVERSE chooses their own reality..."

"They specifically searched while he wasn't there. The crazies have to keep one upping their tall tales," explained an individual. 

This article contains remarks made on the internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online. 

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