'Nothing but a fraud': Internet agrees as former Trump staffer Miles Taylor calls ex-POTUS a 'failed businessman' in fiery interview

'Nothing but a fraud': Internet agrees as former Trump staffer Miles Taylor calls ex-POTUS a 'failed businessman' in fiery interview
Miles Taylor delivered a scathing critique of Donald Trump's business skills (MSNBC/YouTube, Getty Images)

WASHINGTON, DC: Miles Taylor unleashed a blistering attack on the business acumen of Donald Trump, labeling him a "failed businessman" and asserting that his presidency was marked by the same volatility and mismanagement that apparently plagued his private ventures.

In a fiery interview, Taylor, who served as the chief of staff at the Department of Homeland Security under Trump, dismantled the former president's self-proclaimed image as a great dealmaker, citing his string of failed businesses and questionable wealth accumulation tactics, as per HuffPost.


Former Donald Trump staffer Miles Taylor delivers a scathing critique of his business skills

In a recent interview with MeidasTouch, Taylor criticized Trump's business skills, saying, "Donald Trump is not a great businessman. He is a failed businessman across the board. Trump Steaks and Trump Vodka and Trump Airlines and we could go on and on." 

He also took aim at the argument that the former president's wealth is a testament to his business mind.

Drawing a parallel with notorious gangster Al Capone, Taylor pointed out, "Al Capone was incredibly rich. You can be rich and not be a great businessman. You can be a fraud. And we've seen this with Donald Trump throughout his history." 

Former Donald Trump staffer Miles Taylor delivers a scathing critique of ex-POTUS' business skills (MSNBC/YouTube)

According to him, Trump's business weaknesses were not limited to the private sector. He accused the ex-POTUS of carrying his "volatility and corrupt nature" into the White House, making it hard for government departments and agencies to work properly.

"And in a lot of ways, he made the US government his largest failed venture yet," asserted Taylor. He further revealed that he had to spend a large amount of time "managing the president" instead of fulfilling his duties.

Taylor also sent a warning to business leaders who believe Trump's presidency could improve their financial prospects, stating that a second term under his leadership would pose significant risks, potentially causing instability and danger to the economy.

(Getty Images)
Donald Trump recently called Miles Taylor a 'weak and pathetic RINO' and a 'con man' (Getty Images)

Donald Trump singled out Miles Taylor in a recent Truth Social tirade

Trump went on a tirade against his critics on Truth Social on Sunday, April 21. 

The ex-POTUS began, "So many lightweights and fakes go on MSNBC & CNN, along with other ratings challenged networks and platforms, purporting to know me as though they were a long lost relative, only to have virtually no knowledge of me, or anything about me." 

Trump expressed his disdain for Taylor, stating, "A weak and pathetic RINO named Miles Taylor, who worked with one of the dumber Generals around, John Kelly, speaks as though he has intimate knowledge of everything Trump."

He added, "Other than seeing him on TV, I have no idea, from the Administration days, who the hell he is. I assume a con man because he gets paid for talking about a subject he knows nothing about, ME."

"But that doesn’t matter to NBC, to me one of the worst news organizations in the world. There are many other of these phonies as well, and I’ll let you all know who they are as soon as I get a chance. TRUTH!" declared the White House hopeful. 


Internet echoes Miles Taylor's assessment of Donald Trump

Netizens echoed Taylor's assessment of Trump. One remarked, "Spot on!! tRump is nothing but a fraud. A total loser!"

Another shared, "Miles Taylor's assessment is on point. Trump's failed business tactics translated into his presidency, making it one of his largest failed ventures. It's concerning how he rendered many government departments and agencies incapable of fulfilling their duties."

A person bluntly stated, "Trump is both a failed businessman and a failed president," while someone else quipped, "Trump official spent all his time managing Trump rather than the 250,000 employees under them bc Trump is such a volatile baby."

"You don't have to be smart to become rich. You just have to be willing to do whatever it takes to get money. Trump isn't a businessman, at heart. At heart, he's a mobster. And he does whatever it takes to stay rich," expressed an individual. 

One more declared, "He's never been successful in anything in his life," and another person claimed, "What New Yorkers knew about Trump from the beginning of his political campaign: TRUMP IS A FAILED BUSINESSMAN. The myth of his business success was created by the fictional TV series THE APPRENTICE thanks to @nbc."

"He’s right. The idea that the guy is a real businessman is absurd. He wouldn’t make it as an intern. He ran a family-owned business. All he did was sign the checks. He’s never worked a day in the real business world," shared a netizen. 









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