Outrage as Tucker Carlson's guest Darryl Cooper calls Churchill, not Hitler, the 'chief villain' of WWII

Outrage as Tucker Carlson's guest Darryl Cooper calls Churchill, not Hitler, the 'chief villain' of WWII
Darryl Cooper, Tucker Carlson's historian guest, believes Winston Churchill was the main 'villain' of World War II and not Adolf Hitler(Getty Images and Screengrab/The Tucker Carlson Show)

WASHINGTON, DC: Conservative commentator Tucker Carlson asked 'historian' Darryl Cooper to make his case for labeling former British prime minister Winston Churchill as the "chief villain" of World War II instead of Nazi leader Adolf Hitler during an interview that was released on Monday, September 2.

Cooper was described by the former Fox News anchor as “the best and most honest popular historian in the United States,” even as he attempted to whitewash the Holocaust as an accident and revise the known facts about the historical period.

“You know, Churchill’s the good guy, Neville Chamberlain’s the bad guy. You know it’s just, it’s too pat, it’s too, obviously, quite banal. But it also has justified, like, the killing of millions of people since the end of the Second World War. And so I do think it’s fair to ask like, ‘What really was going on?’ So for example, I’m American, I’m not English so I don’t have any weird motive in asking this but how would you assess Winston Churchill?” Carlson asked Cooper on his podcast 'The Tucker Carlson Show'.

Darryl Cooper blames Winston Churchill for horrific WWII events


In response, Cooper said he had gotten in trouble with his podcast partner while answering the very same question. He had told the person that he "thought Churchill was the chief villain of the Second World War," even though "he didn’t kill the most people, he didn’t commit the most atrocities."

"But I believe and I don’t really — I really think that when you get into it and tell the story right and don’t leave anything out, you see that he was primarily responsible for that war becoming what it did," shared Cooper, leading Carlson to insist he make his case on the show.

While Cooper did claim that his words didn’t mean he thought Adolf Hitler was the hero of the war. “That’s not the case,” he said.

Cooper then suggested where Hitler may have gone wrong, "You know, Germany, look, they put themselves into a position in Adolf Hitler’s chiefly responsible for this, but his whole regime is responsible for it, that when they went into the east in 1941, they launched a war where they were completely unprepared to deal with the millions and millions of prisoners of war, of local political prisoners, and so forth that they were going to have to handle." 

"They went in with no plan for that and they just threw these people into camps. And millions of people ended up dead there. You know, you have, you have like letters as early as July, August 1941 from commandants of these makeshift camps that they’re setting up for these millions of people who were surrendering or people they’re rounding up and they’re..."

"So it’s two months after, a month or two after Barbarossa was launched, and they’re writing back to the high command in Berlin saying, 'We can’t feed these people, we don’t have the food to feed these people.” And one of them actually says, ‘Rather than wait for them all to slowly starve this winter, wouldn’t it be more humane to just finish them off quickly now?'" Cooper explained in a blatant attempt to justify the Holocaust. 


Cooper, is a podcaster who hosts the 'Martyr Made' podcast, the popularity of which tripled after his interview with Carlson. Liberals and conservatives alike slammed Carlson after the controversial podcaster claimed on Carlson’s show that “millions of people ended up dead” in Nazi concentration camps.

Darryl Cooper claims Winston Churchill 'wanted war'

Darryl Cooper then refocused on Churchill, saying, "So get back to your like your main question about Churchill. You know, if you go to 1939, when the Germans and the Soviet Union invade Poland, as soon as that war’s wrapped up on the German side, Hitler starts firing off peace proposals to Britain. France, because they had already declared war."

"And he starts firing off peace proposals, says, 'Let’s not do this, like, we can’t do this.' And of course, you know, a year goes by, 1940 comes around and they’re still at war. And so he launches his invasion to the west, takes over France, takes over western and northern Europe. Once that’s done, the British have, you know, escaped at Dunkirk. There’s no British force left on the continent, there’s no opposing force left on the continent. In other words, the war is over and the Germans won, okay?" Cooper continued.

"And so Churchill, I mean, you have a guy who once he- Churchill wanted a war, he wanted to fight Germany. And the reason that I don’t begrudge him is that you know, people can, national leaders, you can fight whoever you want."

"If, you know, if you feel like your long-term, the long-term interests of the British Empire threatened by the rise of a powerful continental power like Germany, and you need to check that, those are great power games, and you play them the way you feel like you need to play them — that’s fine," Cooper further said.


"The reason I resent Churchill so much for it is that he kept this war going when he had no way, he had no way to go back and fight this war. All he had were bombers. He was literally, by 1940, sending firebomb fleets, sending bomber fleets to go firebomb the Black Forest just to burn down sections of the Black Forest," claimed Cooper.

"Just rank terrorism, you know, going through and, starting to, you know, what eventually became just the carpet bombing, the saturation bombing of civilian neighborhoods, you know, to kill- the purpose of which was to kill as many civilians as possible."

"And all the men were out in the field, all the fighting age men were out in the field. And so this is old people, it’s women and children. And they knew that, and they were wiping these places out, as gigantic-scale terrorist attacks, the greatest, you know, scale of terrorist attacks you’ve ever seen in world history,” he concluded.

Internet says Darryl Cooper's views 'don't make sense' 

Reacting to Darryl Cooper's controversial take during the podcast, angry viewers took to social media to slam Carlson and Cooper. 

One social media user wrote that there was no point in blaming Churchill so many years later, "I don't get the sudden attacks on Churchill. Doesn't make sense."


Another called Cooper's theory insane as they said, "Hard to say how insane his take is. That is like saying if lincoln ws really so great, why do we have open borders, and insinuate the 14th amendment really was a govt op to replace the populous."


Many claimed that they were fans of Cooper, like Carlson, but what the historian said about Churchill and Hitler, really didn't make sense for them, "That one lost me. I’m a huge fan of Darryl and am open minded to new info on any subject but that brief amount of shade thrown at Churchill was suspect."


One said, "Really? we’re doing a revisionist history about the atrocities of Nazi Germany? in 2024?"


A social media user put his views out in some strong words, "If you find yourself “just asking questions” over whether the *real* villain in World War II was actually CHURCHILL, maybe pause and consider the distinct possibility that you’re actually just a complete f**king moron."


One X user called Cooper's views a 'crime against intelligent thought' as they wrote, "Winston Churchill was a chief villain of World War 2." This is an argument so bankrupt, so monstrously foolish, it's a crime against intelligent thought."


That said, there were dozens online who were also tempted to accept Cooper's viewpoint as well. 

This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.

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