'It's indefensible': Fox News' Brian Kilmeade slammed for defending Trump's 'poisoning the blood' speech

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK: ‘Fox & Friends’ star Brian Kilmeade sparked a furious backlash as he rushed to Former President Donald Trump’s defense following his comments that illegal migrants are "poisoning the blood" of the country.
On Saturday, December 16, the 77-year-old front-runner for the GOP nomination was addressing a crowd of supporters at a rally in Durham, New Hampshire when he said that immigrants from Africa & Asia are “poisoning the blood of our country.”
Trump: They’re poisoning the blood of country.. They poison mental institutions and prisons all over the world not just in South America… but all over the world they’re coming into our country from Africa, from Asia pic.twitter.com/fv38EABo1a
— Acyn (@Acyn) December 16, 2023
“They let — I think the real number is 15, 16 million people into our country. When they do that, we have a lot of work to do. They’re poisoning the blood of our country,” Trump told the crowd, according to NBC News.
“That’s what they’ve done. They poison mental institutions and prisons all over the world, not just in South America, not just in three or four countries that we think about, but all over the world. They’re coming into our country from Africa, from Asia, all over the world,” he continued.

Trump’s remarks attracted a fresh outcry, with critics drawing comparisons to Adolf Hitler, who used the term “blood poisoning” in his manifesto 'Mein Kampf,' in which he criticized immigration and the mixing of races.
What did Brian Kilmeade say about Donald Trump?
On Monday, December 18, Kilmeade referenced the speech, highlighting that "they didn't like his rhetoric." He also defended Trump's comments, stating that Trump "simply wants to preserve the essence of America."
“He was talking about the border. He was talking about people coming from other countries, coming from prisons. And they wanted to focus on all the Sunday shows, Lawrence, on the word he used ‘poison,'” Kilmeade said to Lawrence Jones, as per Mediate.
“He’s just trying to say we want to keep America, America,” he explained, adding “We want to build up the border and find out who’s coming in and out. And they tried to say that this language was the problem.”
Kilmeade then went after the former president's detractors for using Trump's remarks about "poisoning the blood of our country" against him and as justification for backing Joe Biden in the 2024 presidential contest.
“And then you look at what Jen Psaki was saying over the weekend. She’s saying the goal now is to make people fearful that Trump could win, to see these polls launch, and say he could be back,” the Fox & Friends star charged.
Internet reacts to Brian Kilmeade’s remarks
After Kilmeade’s remarks surfaced on social media, many users blasted him for defending Trump’s vile comments. “Fox 'News' is f***** trash and Kilmead is their poster child of hate,” one user slammed.
“Right message, wrong messenger. Kilimeade should have been bounced from FOX years ago,” another user tweeted.
“It's indefensible. What's said is that if someone had said this 15 years ago, it would have been a campaign-ending mistake,” a user mocked.
“Both of them need to shut their mouths,” a user angered.
Another one said, “This crapola about parroting Hitler is so pathetic, you know it is just trolling, and it works hair on fire every time.”
“Fox News needs a John Carpenter’s 'They Luve' ending,” one more user said.
“The 'he’s just joking' crew is really an infuriating lot…” one more wrote.
Right message, wrong messenger. Kilimeade should have been bounced from FOX years ago.
— Buksterlin (@andy_buksterlin) December 18, 2023
It's indefensible. What's said is that if someone had said this 15 years ago, it would have been a campaign-ending mistake.
— Mb W (@Mb_W2022) December 18, 2023
This crapola about parroting hitler is so pathetic, you know djt is just trolling, and it works hair on fire every time.
— Dave (@daveKrempel) December 18, 2023
Fox News needs a John Carpenter’s “They Luve” ending
— SunTzuTech ✡️ #SinglePayerHealthcare, Punch Nazis (@SunTzuTech) December 18, 2023
The “he’s just joking” crew is really an infuriating lot…
— agirlisno1 ⚔️ (@aryastarksmom) December 18, 2023
Fox "News" is fucking trash and Kilmead is their poster child of hate.
— TKevinB (@tkevinb7) December 18, 2023