'Rename Alcatraz': Trolls galore after Gerry Connolly slams bill to name Dulles airport after Donald Trump

'Rename Alcatraz': Trolls galore after Gerry Connolly slams bill to name Dulles airport after Donald Trump
Rep Gerry Connolly slammed a bill introduced by the House GOP to rename the Dulles International Airport after Donald Trump (@repgerryconnolly, dulles_airport/Instagram, Getty Images)

WASHINGTON, DC: On Tuesday, April 2, six House Republicans led by a member of GOP leadership introduced a bill to rename DC’s Washington Dulles International Airport after former President Donald Trump.

Rep Guy Reschenthaler (R-Pa), has introduced a bill that proposes to rename the Northern Virginia hub, currently located approximately 25 miles outside of the nation's capital, to Donald J Trump International Airport, the New York Post reports. 

 House Republicans led by Deputy Guy Reschenthaler introduced the bill to rename an airport after Donald Trump (@greschenthaler/Instagram)

As the House GOP's chief deputy whip, Reschenthaler's initiative has garnered support from at least six other members of the Republican caucus, including Reps. Chuck Fleischmann (R-Tenn), Paul Gosar (R-Ariz), Troy Nehls (R-Texas), Andy Ogles (R-Tenn), Barry Moore (R-Ala), and Mike Waltz (R-Fla).

The recent move by the group of House Republicans hasn't gone unnoticed by Democratic Congressman Gerry Connolly, who represents Virginia's 11th congressional district which includes parts of Dulles.

Rep Gerry Connolly slammed the bill proposing to rename Dulles International Airport after Donald Trump (@repgerryconnolly/Instagram)

Rep Connolly (D-Va) promptly responded to the proposal with a highly critical suggestion of his own, which he believed would be more suitable.

What did Republicans and Democrats have to say regarding the bill?

The proposed bill spanning two pages has been introduced to rename the airport to Donald J Trump International Airport and mandate all official government documents to refer to it by this new name.

The airport, which is presently named after John Foster Dulles, a former Secretary of State during the presidency of Dwight Eisenhower, is renowned for his anti-communist stance during the nascent stages of the Cold War.

Rep Reschenthaler said in a statement, “In my lifetime, our nation has never been greater than under the leadership of President Donald J Trump.”

Rep Reschenthaler says America has 'never been greater' than under the leadership of Donald Trump (@greschenthaler/Instagram)

“As millions of domestic and international travelers fly through the airport, there is no better symbol of freedom, prosperity, and strength than hearing ‘Welcome to Trump International Airport’ as they land on American soil,” the Pennsylvania Republican congressman remarked. 

Rep Reschenthaler highlighted the former POTUS's achievements in the US economy, energy policy, border security, judicial appointments, and diplomacy based on “peace through strength” as reasons to honor him.

Reschenthaler wrote on X, “Freedom. Prosperity. Strength. That’s what America stood for under the leadership of President Donald J Trump — the best president of my lifetime.”


Rep Troy Nehls told reporters, "I totally support the renaming of Dulles airport to the greatest President in my lifetime, DJT."

Rep Paul Gosar contended, "I can see no more fitting recognition than naming both airports in our nation's capital after America's two best presidents: DCA after President Reagan and Dulles after President Trump."

Donald Trump is facing 91 felony charges (@teamtrump/Instagram)

Given the current political climate, the likelihood of the bill being passed into law is negligible, as the Democratic Party holds control of both the Senate and the White House.

In response to Rep Reschenthaler's proposal to rename Dulles Airport after the 2024 presumptive Republican nominee, Virginia Democrats have expressed their disapproval, lambasting the group of GOP representatives for attempting to ingratiate themselves with the 77-year-old MAGA strongman.

Rep Gerry Connolly (D-Va) wrote on X, “Donald Trump is facing 91 felony charges. If Republicans want to name something after him, I’d suggest they find a federal prison.”


Rep Jennifer Wexton (D-Va), whose 10th Congressional District includes the remaining parts of the sprawling international airport, wrote on X, “This is just another in a long list of instances where extreme House Republicans have shown how unserious & delusional they are.”

“Let’s get to work on the real issues the American people sent us here for — not renaming an airport after someone who sought to undermine our democracy,” she tweeted. 

Another Democratic lawmaker from Northern Virginia, Rep Don Beyer (D-Va), opposed Tuesday’s bill by House Republicans as well, claiming that Trump's 2017 travel ban from five Muslim-majority nations “blocked permanent American residents from their own country” by preventing them from entering the country through Dulles.


Rep Beyer tweeted, “I went to Dulles to try to help innocent people caught up in the chaos. I remember grandparents detained for hours as their terrified families waited.”

"They know Dulles will never be renamed after Trump. Again, that's not the point, the point is to suck up to their Dear Leader," he added.

Internet sides with Gerry Connolly as the Virginia congressman rips into House GOP bill

People on X lauded the Democratic congressman's response to the House Republican proposal to rechristen the Northern Virginia International Airport in Dulles as Donald J Trump International Airport.

One X user remarked, "Dummest Airport has a nice ring to it…"


Another user said, "Rep Connolly for the win!!"


Another user wrote, "The House Republicans can't get anything done, so this is what they are spending their time on. Tracks."


Another user suggested, "If the Republican Party wants to rename something, I suggest they rename Alcatraz and put him in it"


One user quipped, "May I suggest "Washington Dullard International Airport?""


Another X user said, "Thank you Rep Connolly! Nothing in our Country should be named for this non stop criminal Trump! The House GOP is a total embarrassment to our Country!"


Another user remarked, "A public toilet would be even more appropriate."


Finally, this user tweeted, "Go Connolly! He is my rep Gotta love him!"


This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.

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