Seth Meyers brings up Rudy Giuliani's startled eyes to 'accurately represent America in 2024'

Seth Meyers brings up Rudy Giuliani's startled eyes to 'accurately represent America in 2024'
Seth Meyers dissected the aftermath of Donald Trump's divisive remarks against Nikki Haley (Late Night with Seth Meyers)

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: In a recent monologue, late-night host Seth Meyers focused on the aftermath of former President Donald Trump's remarks against Nikki Haley, highlighting the divisive nature of his actions.

Meyers began by pointing out the Trump move that raised concerns about the unity of the GOP. He remarked, "Trump threatened to blacklist Haley supporters."

The need for a strategic pivot

The comedian further emphasized Trump's internal conflicts by noting his criticism of his own former press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany. McEnany suggested on Fox News that Trump should consider a more strategic approach, courting Haley's voters rather than attacking her.

Meyers pointed out, "He also lashed out at his own former press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, because McEnany suggested on Fox News that he should maybe spend some time trying to court Haley’s voters rather than bashing her."

Alarming figures for Trump

McEnany drew attention to a Des Moines Register poll, revealing that 7 in 10 Nikki Haley voters claimed they would not vote for Trump. Additionally, 43% of all respondents in the poll stated that they wouldn't vote for Trump.

McEnany urged Trump to adopt a more strategic approach, advising, "If I’m Trump, I'd sit back and exclusively focus on the general election."

McEnany suggested that Trump should act like a presumptive nominee, celebrating his historic achievements but also examining the challenges lying beneath the surface.

However, Meyers humorously cautioned Trump against "looking under the hood," using a photo of a previous individual who regretted taking a peek under a car hood 0 Rudy Giuliani. Meyers remarked, "But then I’d go home and I’d look under the hood. Oh, you don’t want Trump to look under the hood."

To illustrate the unsettling nature of American politics, Meyers proposed a satirical image, stating, "If we really wanted to accurately represent America in 2024, we would replace the stars on the flag with Rudy’s eyes." 

Meyers pokes fun at Trump's former press secretary

Meyers concluded by highlighting the significance of Trump's former press secretary, whose role was to make the former president look good, admitting that the numbers were not in his favor.


The comparison to Meyers' own cue card person preferring other talk shows added a touch of irony, emphasizing the absurdity of a spokesperson acknowledging unfavorable realities.

In Meyers' words, "That’s Trump’s former white House press secretary, a person whose job it was to make Donald Trump look good at all times, admitting that the numbers were bad for him."

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