'That's a declaration of war': Joe Biden slammed after secretly authorizing Ukraine to use US-made weapons against Russia

'That's a declaration of war': Joe Biden slammed after secretly authorizing Ukraine to use US-made weapons against Russia
President Joe Biden has authorized Ukraine to conduct limited strikes inside Russian territory using American-made weapons (Getty Images)

WASHINGTON, DC: President Joe Biden has authorized Ukraine to conduct limited strikes inside Russian territory using American-made weapons, a significant shift in US policy that could escalate the ongoing conflict.

The decision, announced on Thursday, May 30, was made under pressure from advisers and key allies, aiming to open a new chapter in the war for Ukraine, US officials confirmed.

Unprecedented move

Joe Biden’s decision marks the first instance where an American president has permitted limited military actions on artillery, missile bases, and command centers within the borders of a nuclear-armed adversary.

White House officials, however, emphasized that the authorization is confined to acts of self-defense, enabling Ukraine to protect Kharkiv, its second-largest city, and nearby regions from cross-border attacks.

“The president recently directed his team to ensure that Ukraine can use US-supplied weapons for counter-fire purposes in the Kharkiv region so Ukraine can hit back against Russian forces that are attacking them or preparing to attack them,” a US official stated. “Our policy concerning prohibiting the use of ATACMS or long-range strikes inside of Russia has not changed,” the statement continued, referring to the artillery system provided to Ukraine, capable of reaching deep into Russian territory.


The White House has portrayed this decision as a narrow adjustment, allowing Ukraine to strike pre-emptively if evidence of an impending attack is found or in retaliation to Russian barrages near Kharkiv. However, the broader implications are undeniable.

Until now, Biden has steadfastly refused to allow the use of American-made weapons outside Ukrainian borders, citing the risk of escalating the conflict to a global scale. Biden has crossed a self-imposed red line by reversing this stance, even in a limited capacity.

Administration officials acknowledged that further Russian attacks from within its territory might lead to additional easing of these restrictions. “This is a new reality,” a senior official anonymously told the New York Times, “and perhaps a new era” in the Ukraine conflict.

Russia's potential response

The immediate concern now is Russia's reaction to this policy shift. Moscow has previously warned of unspecified retaliatory measures should the US change its stance. In response to the anticipated policy change, Russia conducted drills for forces that handle tactical nuclear weapons, signaling a stark warning to Washington.

The question remains: How will Russia respond to American weapons being used against its territory? While Putin has not directly responded to similar actions by Britain, the involvement of the United States might provoke a different reaction due to its status as a principal global adversary.

VIENNA, AUSTRIA - JUNE 05:  Russian President Vladimir Putin arrives for a joint press statement wit
Russian President Vladimir Putin photographed at Hofburg Palace on June 5, 2018, in Vienna, Austria (Photo by Thomas Kronsteiner/Getty Images)

Biden’s decision followed intense internal deliberations, involving only a select group of aides. According to the Times, Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken, after a sobering trip to Kyiv, advised the president that the long-standing ban on using American weapons in Russian territory was jeopardizing parts of Ukraine.

Blinken argued that the Russians were exploiting this ban to launch relentless attacks from a safe distance just inside their border.

National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan and Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III had already recognized that the battlefield dynamics around Kharkiv necessitated an exception to the strict prohibition. They observed that Ukraine was hindered by an “artificial line” on the battlefield, preventing effective responses to devastating attacks.

Sullivan and Austin concluded that restricting Ukrainian forces from countering these attacks was strategically flawed, leading to their recommendation to adjust the policy, as reported by the Times.

JoBiden slammed on social media for decision

Biden's authorization has sparked quite a backlash on social media, with many users expressing fears of escalating the conflict into a larger war.

"That's a declaration of war on Russia by the USA. Putin can interpret it no other way!" one posted on X.

"Biden needs to be impeached immediately," another wrote.

"He will do dirty deeds under the cover of any distraction," someone else alleged.

"The establishment needs WW3 to cover its treason," a comment read.

"When all else fails they take you to war," another added.




This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online. 

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