'The clown of clowns': Trump's bizarre dance 'that you can't unsee' at Bronx rally sparks flurry of jokes

'The clown of clowns': Trump's bizarre dance 'that you can't unsee' at Bronx rally sparks flurry of jokes
Donald trump danced during his rally in the Bronx on Sam & Dave’s 1966 track 'Hold On I’m Coming' (Getty Images)

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK: Donald Trump is known for many roles - former president, prominent businessman, and criminal defendant among them - but one thing he is not known for is his dancing skills which was evident during his rally in the Bronx on May 23.

However, unlike Trump's court appearance on May 21, in New York where he reportedly looked grumpy, teeing up closing arguments next week, at the rally he tried to dance, specifically attempting the monkey dance to Sam & Dave's 1966 track 'Hold On I'm Coming.'

FORT WAYNE, IN - NOVEMBER 05:  U.S. President Donald Trump arrives at a campaign rally for Republica
Donald Trump arrives at a campaign rally (Getty Images)

Huffpost reported on Trump's dance moment, cautioning that "once seen, it cannot be unseen".

Trump's back at it again with his dance moves

While some observers likened Trump's dance to a recent TikTok challenge where kids ask their parents to dance like they did in the 80s, it wasn't a direct reference.

In 2020, Trevor Noah humorously mimicked Trump's dance moves, saying, "This is all of the classic bad dance moves back to back". 


However, most recently, a Newsweek report says that Trump has been making headlines for his unorthodox dance moves on the campaign trail during the 2024 election season.

In one particularly memorable incident in February, Trump was captured on video dancing alongside cheerleaders and a high school marching band during Super Bowl LVIII festivities held at his Trump International Golf Course in Florida.


The footage, shared on social media by his deputy communications director Margo Martin, quickly went viral, racking up an impressive 4.6 million views on the platform formerly known as Twitter.

Not one to rest on his laurels, Trump doubled down on his dance-heavy campaign strategy in March, when he was filmed enthusiastically pumping his fists and gyrating to the delight of a cheering crowd at a campaign rally, generating over 330,000 views and sparking a flurry of memes and reaction videos.

Netizens calls Trump's moves the 'diaper dance'

Former president Donald Trump's dance moves on stage has garnered widespread attention from viewers. 

One viewer shared, "Looking forward to the day we never have to see that, or him, again.."

In a similar vein, another observer chimed in, "I've never wanted to gouge my eyes out before."

Moreover, a viewer highlighted, "He's got the diaper dance down. One wrong move and the hip goes."

Adding to the conversation, a follower contributed, "The most uncool man to ever dance. Imagine him and Elaine on a dance floor together."

A comment emphasized, "The clown of clowns."

Echoing this sentiment, another comment noted, "He’s not dancing. He’s just making more room in the diaper."

Expanding on the topic, an individual elaborated further, saying, "He's showing how he beats off two guys at the same time."








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